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“This is insane,” I whispered.

“I am not this,” he pointed to the house. “I am me,” he shoved a finger into his chest, “and my family history does not define me. I can’t change where I come from, Olivia, and I wouldn’t want to,” he pulled at the ends of his hair. “I have a good, loving, family that is nothing like the uppity people you’re thinking of,” he growled. “They’re normal everyday people. Don’t you think I’m normal?” He pleaded.

I nodded.

He took a deep breath. “I don’t want you to look at me differently because of this. I thought springing it on you would be the best route,” he rubbed his chin, “but I can see now I was wrong.”

“I’m sorry,” I placed a hand on his cheek and forced him to look at me. “I shouldn’t have reacted like that. It upset me because I feel like I’ve shared so much with you, and if you didn’t tell me about this, what else are you not telling me.”

“Fair enough,” he whispered. “But please go inside and don’t freak out. I know it’s a big house and it seems overwhelming, but my family is perfectly normal, in fact,” he grinned, “we might be a little bit redneck.”

“I doubt that,” I rolled my eyes and a small laugh escaped my lips.

“You’d be surprised,” he grinned. “We better get in there before they come out to see what’s taking us so long.”

“You’re right,” I looked at the time on my phone and saw that we had been talking for ten minutes.

“Oh, and Olivia?” He asked, leaning towards me.

“Yeah?” I replied feeling a little sick knowing I was about to meet the Rockefeller’s of Virginia.

“I’ve thought of something that might distract you from your nerves,” his voice had grown husky and his eyes were a dark forest gre


“What?” I squeaked.

“This,” he murmured, and grabbed the back of my neck, pulling my lips against his. He kissed me thoroughly, leaving me flustered when he pulled away.

“Was that sufficient?” His lips turned up in a lopsided grin.

“What?” I muttered.

“Yep, it worked,” he hopped out of the car and jogged around to open the passenger door.

I stepped onto the driveway, my feet sinking through three inches of snow, and the little white fluff balls quickly gathered in my hair and on my shoulders.

Trace looked up, sticking out his tongue to catch a flake. I watched one fall onto his eyelash where it immediately melted and he wiped it away.

Once he was successful in catching a snowflake, he grinned at me impishly, like a small boy.

“I had to,” he chuckled and held out his hand for me to take.

We hesitantly made our way to the garage, cautious of the slippery ground. Trace flipped open a panel, and entered a code, a second later, one of the garage doors began to raise.

I took a deep breath, tempted to beg him to kiss me again. My heart had plummeted to my stomach and my stomach had dropped entirely out of my body and was currently flopping around on the ground.

“Breathe,” Trace reminded me.

I let out a gust of air.

“Breathe,” he repeated as he twisted the knob on the door and leaned over to push a button that closed the garage door.

With a firm grip on my hand, he led me into the house.

It didn’t take long for me to get confused. The house was massive. We passed by so many open and closed doors that I quickly lost count.

The wide hallway opened up and we stood in a large foyer with the highest ceiling I had ever seen and a shiny marble floor. I turned around, taking in the two massive staircases, and tilted my head back to gaze at a chandelier that was bigger than my car.
