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“Aubrey,” he ground out. “This is my family’s home. I’m supposed to be here. You are not.”


Where had I heard that name?

Oh my God. I gasped aloud.

Trace’s ex.

The petite blonde girl glared daggers at me with her dark blue eyes. She was pretty, as in model pretty, with slim features and body, and fair, blemish free skin.

She wore a strapless pale pink dress that hung straight down her narrow body. Her light blonde hair was pulled back in a low bun and a few pieces framed her pretty face. I had never seen a person that looked so flawless.

Her pale pink lips were pouted and fake tears watered her eyes.

“Just because we broke up doesn’t mean you need to shut me out of your life,” her lower lip trembled for emphasis.


“I’ve been a part of your life since we were children, Trace. I spent as much time here, as you spent at my house. We shouldn’t shut each other out. I miss you,” she reached for his hand and he recoiled. Anger flared in her eyes. “I still love you, baby,” she tried to grab his arm, but he stepped back, dragging me with him.

“That’s a lie,” he pointed a finger in her face, “and even if it wasn’t, I don’t love you.”

“You’re lying,” her navy blue eyes narrowed. Her gaze flicked my way. “You think this white trash bitch is better than me? It’s clear she’s not from money,” My mouth gaped open at her words. She looked me up and down, a sneer marring her pretty face. “She can’t understand you the way I do.” She grabbed his tux jacket, but Trace shook her off as easily as if she was a pesky fly.

“If you were a guy I would punch you in the face for what you said about Olivia-”

“It has a name?” She batted her eyelashes innocently.

I flinched at her tone.

“You’re asking for it Aubrey,” Trace warned. “I will have you escorted off of my property, no questions asked, if you keep this up.” She opened her mouth but he cut her off. “I don’t give a fuck who your daddy is, Aubrey, you are nothing.”

A fire burned behind her eyes. “I am nothing? You sure didn’t think I was nothing when you dated me. You talked about marrying me and having kids with me,” she pointed at her bony chest. “What changed? Did your dad dying mess you up that bad that you’re willing to settle for her?” She stabbed a manicured finger in my direction.

“People grow up, Aubrey. They grow up and they outgrow each other. We weren’t right together. Surely, you can see that,” Trace reasoned. “And I am not settling with Olivia. I would be settling if I was still with you. Last names aren’t everything, Aubrey, and I know that’s the only reason you wanted me. So shut the fuck up and stop acting like I meant everything to you, because I didn’t. I was nothing but a means for you climb up the mother-fucking social ladder!” He yelled.

“You did! I loved you! I still love you! This bitch isn’t your future, Trace! I am!” She squealed shrilly.

By now, we had drawn quite the crowd.

I felt Trent step up beside me. “Oh, fuck, this isn’t good,” he whispered.

“If you make one more comment about Olivia, you will be escorted from this house, and you won’t be coming back,” he warned. “I don’t care how much money your daddy throws our way,” Trace seethed


Aubrey’s nostrils flared and her lips pursed. Her tiny hands were fisted at her sides as she glared at the three of us.

“Fine,” she sighed. “Whatever. I’m not done with you, though,” she pointed a finger in Trace’s face. “Do not think this conversation is over. As soon as your pound puppy is out of the way, we’re talking.”

“No, we’re not,” Trace snapped. “We were done talking years ago. Come on,” he released his hold on my waist and grabbed my hand. We melted out of the crowd and Trent followed.

Adrenaline was fading from my body and being replaced by sadness. Aubrey may have been a bitch, but Trace belonged with someone like her, not me. Someone beautiful and from the same lifestyle, someone with money, and status, someone that he grew up with. I was none of those things.

“Who invited the fucking ice queen?” Trent asked when we stepped outside the ballroom and around the corner.

“I have no clue,” Trace snapped angrily, running his fingers through his hair. “Mom, Gramps, and Grammy wouldn’t do that to me. She had to tag along with her parents or someone else.” He released my hand so he could punch the wall. When he calmed down some, he turned to me, “I’m so sorry, Olivia. I would’ve never brought you here if I knew she was going to be here. She’s a bitch and I never wanted you to have to know-”
