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“Ugh,” Avery grumbled as we sunk into the sand. “It figures, the day we’re supposed to go home, the sun decides to come out, and it’s actually warm.”

“I don’t consider sixty degrees that warm,” I laughed, kicking off my shoes, sinking my toes into the cold sand.

“Maybe not,” she agreed, pushing her gigantic sunglasses fur

ther up her nose, “but it’s better than it’s been the last few days.”

“That’s true,” I shrugged, watching the guys toss a football back and forth.

There were a few other people scattered along the beach, but not many. The temperature might have been in the lower sixties but the cool ocean breeze made it feel more like fifty-five. Trace was being overprotective and didn’t want me outside, but since it was our last day here, he’d given in, and agreed to stop treating me like a small child.

I brought the pink hoodie of my sweatshirt up over my head and watched the guys through my dark sunglasses. I heard the sounds of their laughter carrying along on the wind. Since I had met Trace, I hadn’t spent much time around Luca or seen how they interacted as friends, but it was clear to me now, that like Avery and me, they were inseparable. Best friends, the ones you keep for life, are hard to find, so when you do, you hold on with everything you have, and never let go.

I leaned back on my elbows and stretched my legs out, letting the sun warm me as much possible.

I let my eyes close and basked in the warmth fanning across my face.

“You’re not falling asleep on me are you?” Avery groaned, poking my shoulder.

“No,” I giggled turning to look at her.

“Good,” she slid closer to me. The evil smile gracing her face told me that she was about to tell me something I wasn’t going to like to hear. “We’ve both been so busy that I haven’t had the proper time to talk to you about Luca.”

“Oh no,” I groaned, wishing I could teleport myself away. “Please, no.”

Talking about a guy, when it came from Avery, meant I was about to hear all about Luca’s prowess in bed. Whenever she did this, I was never able to look the guy she was dating, in the eye, ever again. Since it appeared that Luca was sticking around for the long haul, this could prove difficult.

I was surprised that I had managed to avoid this conversation with her for so long. Obviously, my luck had run out.

She continued, like I had said nothing. “Ohmigawd, Olivia, I have never been with someone that’s as good as he is. Let me tell you, he knows exactly what he’s doing.” She emphasized her words with a thrust of her hips.

“Avery, I’m begging you-”

“He’s so bossy and controlling when we have sex. Normally, I’m not okay with that, but strangely, it turns me on when he turns all macho and bosses me around…I mean, I’m not okay with him bossing me around outside the bedroom,” she rattled, waving her hands through the air dramatically. “He gets rough too,” she sighed dreamily. I didn’t understand what was so appealing about rough sex, but since I had never experienced it, I decided to keep my mouth shut. “And he has an apadravya,” she grinned wickedly.

“Am I supposed to know what that is?” I raised a brow.

She looked at me like I was a complete idiot.

“What? I don’t know what it is!” I cried.

With a dramatic sigh, she explained, “It’s a piercing, through the head of his penis-”

“Shut up!” I slapped my hands over my ears. “I don’t want to hear this!” I shook my head back and forth. “Too much information!”

I saw Avery roll her eyes, even through her sunglasses. “Stop freaking out, Olivia. It’s not necessary.”

I reluctantly let my hands fall from my ears so that her voice was no longer muffled.

“I hate you so much right now!” I exclaimed. “Now, every time I see him,” I pointed to Luca out on the beach, “all I’m going to be able to think of is that, that, that, thing,” I stuttered.

“It’s wonderful,” she sing-songed. “It hits my g-spot every single time.”

I covered my ears once more.

She pushed my shoulders and I fell over into the sand.

“For someone that’s having regular sex, with their smokin’ hot boyfriend, you can be such a prude,” she grumbled.
