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I shook my head. “I don’t have anything dry to change into.”

“You can wear some of my old clothes,” he reasoned.

I shook my head at him and stretched across the diving board on my stomach. It swayed under my weight but quickly steadied. Trace swam over, underneath the board, and gazed up at me. I removed the baseball cap I was wearing and tossed it onto the patio. I pulled the ponytail holder out of my hair, and it fell forward, the ends skimming the water. I had already taken my shoes off in the house.

Trace grabbed ahold of the diving board and I squealed as it dipped down.

“Get in,” he pleaded.

“No,” I smiled.

Still holding onto the diving board, he leaned forward, and kissed me. His lips tasted like chlorine.

“How about now?” He asked.

“I might need a little more convincing,” I giggled.

He kissed me again and his lips lingered against mine.

“Alright, you’ve convinced me,” I smiled.

He smirked, letting go of the diving board. It shook me roughly up and down and I found myself toppling over the side, plunging into the water.

Like the indoor pool, this one was heated, so I didn’t have to worry about icy water shocking my system. My clothes were soaked, and since I was wearing a white shirt over a hot pink bra, Trace got an eyeful.

“That was not nice,” I wiped water from my eyes.

“I was afraid you’d chicken out on me,” he swam towards me.

“I think I got water up my nose,” I complained.

He pressed a kiss to the end of my nose. “There, now it’s all better.”

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. “Definitely not. But if you want to believe you made it feel better, then that’s fine with me.”

“I can make anything better with a little kiss,” he pressed his lips against my neck where my pulse raced.

He most certainly could, but I wasn’t telling him that.

“I had fun today with your brother and grandpa,” I said instead.

“Gramps loves you,” Trace chuckled. “Even more now that you can shoot,” he winked. “Gramps always tried to get Grammy to lear

n, but she never wanted to.”

“I’m glad I put that on my list, now…I feel…unstoppable,” my fingers tangled in his hair.

He chuckled. “Unstoppable, huh?”

“Yeah, you better watch out,” I laughed.

“Should I be afraid?” He grinned, his eyes a light green.

“Very,” I smiled, “my boyfriend taught me and I have excellent aim…now.”

“Remind me not to make you mad,” he murmured huskily, sucking a spot on my neck.

“If you keep doing that, I don’t think I’ll ever get mad,” I whispered. My eyes closed and I bit down on my lip to prevent a moan from escaping.
