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Tears stung my eyes at his words.

He pushed open the swinging door. The dogs immediately jumped up and started clawing at their cages, desperate for attention. I made sure to talk lovingly to each one. I didn’t want any of the ‘puppies’ to be left out from my affections.

The last cage we came to appeared to be empty at first glance.

Slowly, a small form crept forward and a small black lab puppy peered up at us with gray eyes. He looked so sad and I noticed that he held his front left paw up slightly.

A woman came in from another door, her hair frazzled. She looked exhausted.

“That one there likes you,” she pointed to the black puppy. “He came in two days ago and we’ve had quite the struggle with him. He was found alongside the road with injuries that are obviously from being beat.”

“Aw,” my heart broke for the puppy peering up at me.

“He’s been sittin’ in that corner, wouldn’t come out. Normally the puppies go really fast around here, but nobody’s taken to him.”

I frowned, looking at the sweet black dog. His eyes peered up at me and I felt like he was begging me to take him home and love him forever, which I would.

“I want him,” I stated, not caring if Trace agreed.

“I’ll get the paperwork ready,” she smiled, pleased. “Y’all can get him out and play.”

I eagerly opened the cage and sat on the floor.

The puppy didn’t want to play though. He immediately climbed onto my lap, struggling with his long gangly legs, and collapsed with his eyes closed.

“He likes you,” Trace chuckled. “I think I have some competition now.” He squatted beside me and petted the puppy’s head. The puppy relaxed against Trace’s touch, lovingly rolling over to get his belly rubbed.

I giggled. “I think he likes you.”

“What’s not to like?” Trace scoffed. “I’m wonderful.” He petted the dog for a few more minutes and asked, “What should we name him?”

I bit my lip. “I was thinking Ace.”

“Ace,” Trace repeated, rolling the name around his tongue like someone sampling wine. “It’s perfect.”

Ten minutes later, the lady came to tell us everything was ready. We filled out the paperwork and Trace handed them cash for the adoption fee.

“Good luck y’all,” she called as we left.

From there, we headed straight to the local PetSmart. I carried Ace inside, clutched to my chest.

Trace grabbed a shopping cart and we made our way to the dog section. He grabbed two bags of dog food; the same one Ace had been eating at the SPCA, and added them to the cart. We picked out a heaping pile of toys, a cushion, bowls, and leash. Lastly, I picked up a braided light blue and gray collar.

We checked out and Trace got tokens for the machine that made nametags. We agreed on the silver dog bone shaped tag and Trace entered all the information in. Within a minute, the nametag was made.

“Well, Ace,” I cooed to the dog as we strolled outside, “I certainly hope we’re not forgetting anything.”

Trace laughed, pointing to the overflowing cart. “We better not be.”

Ace slept in my lap as we stopped by the dorm to pick up the last of my boxes. All of Avery’s things were gone already. Trace grabbed the two remaining boxes while I glanced around the room in nostalgia. I looked back, one last time as I closed the dorm room door, feeling as if I was closing a door on a chapter of my life.

c h a p t e r

Thirty One

I brought Ace inside after doing his business and smoothed my hands over my dress clothes. I was starting my first day at the local jewelry store. It wasn’t too far from Trace’s—our—apartment. I still wasn’t quite used to the fact that his place, was now our place.

“You look nice, babe,” Trace grinned, stepping out of the bedroom, in jeans and a wife-beater.
