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“Listen here,” Avery’s voice had turned icy cold and I knew trouble was coming.

“Avery,” I warned but she ignored me. I pleaded with my eyes for Luca to do something but he was rooting her on. Some help he was.

“You are nothing, because if you were something, Trace would still be with you,” Avery spat. “Obviously, you’re nothing but a cold-hearted bitch, while my friend here,” Avery pointed to me, “is the kindest, most giving person, I’ve ever met. So no, Trace won’t be crawling back to you. It’s you that’ll be doing the crawling, honey,” Avery glowered, “and it won’t be to a man. You’ll be crawling on your precious hands and knees, scrubbing floors because I’m gonna make sure your world crumbles around you.”

Aubrey rolled her eyes. “I don’t know who you think you are, but that’ll never happen.”

“I’m not someone to mess with,” Avery warned in a deadly tone.

“You’re really hanging out with some low class people,” Aubrey scoffed at Trace. “When you decide to climb back up the social ladder, don’t expect me to answer the phone.”

“That’s it!” Avery tried to lunge across the table to grab Aubrey but Luca, thankfully, sprang into action and caught her around the waist, forcing her back into her seat.

“She’s not worth it,” Luca told her.

“I’ll be right back,” Trace muttered, pushing away from the table, his jaw rigid. He strode quickly after Aubrey and disappeared around the side of the building.

My stomach sank.

Had he realized she was right and was going after her to beg forgiveness?

I bit down on my lip to hold back tears.

I had finally admitted my feelings for Trace, to myself, and watching him run after his ex-girlfriend, was breaking my heart.

“I’m not very hungry,” I pushed my chair back and stood slowly. “I have to go,” I mumbled, not meeting Luca or Avery’s eyes.

I didn’t have any money on me so I hoped Trace returned to pay for the bill. If he didn’t, I’d owe Avery later.

I left a stunned Luca and Avery behind and fled through the gate.

My perfect evening was ruined.

The sounds of the band starting back up rumbled behind me.

I put a fist to my mouth to stifle my sobs.

My pace was quick as I tried to make my escape. But apparently, not quick enough, as footsteps rapidly sounded behind me, and a body forced me against the wall of the restaurant.

I went to scream but Trace’s hand covered my mouth before a single sound could escape.

“Where are you going?” He asked fiercely, removing his hand so I could speak.

“I’m leaving,” I sobbed, “so go back and enjoy your evening with Aubrey. You don’t owe me an explanation. I get it, I do. She’s like-”

“She’s nothing like me, dammit! You promised me this wouldn’t happen again! You promised, Olivia! But here you are, running from me!” He seethed, his eyes manic as they roamed over my face. “I can’t help what and who my past is, but it’s no more. She’s no more,” he spoke furiously. “How could you ever think I was going back to that?” His tone softened.

“I don’t know,” I choked as the sky darkened above us with an impending summer rain shower.

“You don’t know?” He repeated. “Do you not know me at all, Olivia? I know I’m not the most open guy in the world, it’s not in my nature to confess everything about myself, but I’ve opened up to you, more than I have for almost anybody,” his eyes searched my face. “Why can’t you see that? When I’m with you, I’m me,” he growled angrily. “For years, I played the part of this happy rich party boy, but the truth is, that’s never been me. The real me,” he pointed a thumb at his chest, holding me securely against the wall with his other hand, “is the guy you’ve known from the beginning, Olivia. I’m Trace Alexander Wentworth. I’m a mechanic and I live above the garage I work at,” he wet his lips with a quick flick of his tongue. “I like plaid shirts, not tuxes. My favorite color is red…sometimes green, depending on my mood. And there’s this girl that I care about more than anything. She’s beautiful and she’s stubborn but she captured my heart from the moment she opened her mouth and started rattling about Prince Charming coming along to save her. That’s you Olivia and no one else.” His eyes and words were fierce.

My chest rose and fell with heavy breaths and the stone wall was hot against my back.

“I’m sorry,” my lower lip trembled.

“You should be sorry,” his brow furrowed together as he gazed down at me with intense green eyes. “You’re everything to me.”

Before I could reply, he crushed his lips against mine. Our tongues tangled together as he lifted me effortlessly, my legs wrapping around his waist. “Everything,” he whispered between our lips. “You are everything,” he growled the last word.
