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His chuckle rumbled through his chest. “Are you saying I stink?”

“I’m saying I’m pretty sure that smell isn’t me,” I sniffed my arm for emphasis. I smelled like plain hospital soap, slightly citrusy.

“Fine, but only because there’s a bathroom with a shower attached to your room,” his eyes twinkled with laughter.

“Call Trent and tell him to bring you clothes,” I added.

“Is there anything else I should ask Trent to bring?” Trace shook his head at me.

“Um…” I smiled. “Think he can sneak in Ace?”

I wanted to see my sweet Lab and give him kisses. I hated that Trace and I had been away from him this long.

“I’m sure if I asked him, he’d try,” Trace chortled. “But they don’t allow dogs in the hospital.”

“They should,” I pouted. “Ace wouldn’t hurt anybody. He would lay right here, beside me,” I pointed to the empty spot in the hospital bed that was big enough for the puppy, “and wouldn’t bother anyone.” I smiled at Trace.

“I know he would, but I don’t want them to kick me out for letting my little brother bring a dog into a sterile hospital,” he chuckled.

“Fine,” I grumbled. “I’ll just suffer.”

“I’m so happy you’re feeling well enough to argue with me,” he snorted.

“Someone’s awake and talkative,” the same nurse from the other day breezed into my room. Her short auburn hair was straight and her pink scrubs were the only sign of color in the plain white room, aside from the clothes Trace and my mom were wearing.

She looked over my vital signs. “Everything seems to be looking good, sweetie. I’m going to take your temperature,” she promptly stuck a thermometer under my tongue. Ten seconds or so later, it beeped, and she checked it. “Temp is normal, so that’s excellent news. I’m going to check your blood pressure now,” she explained.

My mom scooted out of the way, and let go of my finger, so I could lift my arm for the nurse.

The cuff tightened against my arm and I winced as it dug into my tender skin.

“I’m sorry,” the nurse apologized as she removed the cuff. “Your blood pressure is excellent though. The doctor will be making his rounds in the next thirty minutes,” she smiled at each of us and ducked out of the room. The heavy door clicked closed behind her.

I relaxed against the fluffy pillows, fighting against the exhaustion that was threatening to pull me under. I didn’t know how it was possible for a person that had slept for two days straight, and a week before that, to still be sleepy. But I was.

Trace noticed my eyelids fluttering open and closed. “Olivia, if you need to sleep, go to sleep. Your body needs the rest.”

“No,” I shook my head slightly. “I need to stay awake. I’ve been sleeping so much-”

“Don’t fight what your body needs,” his green eyes were fierce.

My stubborn side kicked in and I looked away from him.

“Olivia,” he groaned warningly.

“I want some more water,” I requested, to sidetrack him.

He sighed and held the Styrofoam cup to my lips. “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing.”

I finished the water and fanned my eyes at him. “More please.”

“I’ll be back,” he sighed.

My mom slid her chair closer to the bed and hooked our fingers back together. “I’ll stay until the doctor checks on you and then I really have to go.” Apology was clear in her brown eyes.

“It’s okay, mom,” I assured her. “I know you can’t stay here with me. Heck, I don’t expect Trace to stay with me, but he’s so stubborn.”

“He loves you,” she smiled, “and he wants and can be with you. I don’t have that luxury. I have to be at work early in the morning. I work on the lower level of the hospital but I’ll try to stop by if I get the chance. If I don’t, I’ll come by after my shift ends.”
