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I didn’t want him touching me.

There was only one man I wanted to touch me, in any way, and he was ten hours away.

Kevin tapped my shoulder. “You’re not listening to a thing I say, are you?”

“Of course I am,” I pretended to be hurt that he thought I was ignoring him. “You were talking about how you play tennis.”

And just like that he started talking again. He was so egotistical that I almost felt sorry for him.

I zoned out again, ignoring not only Kevin, but everyone around me. I wanted this to be over. Not only today, but the whole weekend. I was desperate to get back home.

I was probably the only college student who thought of her school as home, but that’s what it was. Once I graduated, I had no plans to move back to New Hampshire.

Kevin’s arm brushed against mine, and he was lucky I was a nice person, and didn’t stab him with my fork.

I heard my dad mention something about desert and I breathed a sigh of relief. This Hell on Earth was almost over.

I helped my mom clear away the plates, thankful for the respite from Kevin, and helped her carry out the various pies.

I swear, she must have made one of each.

French Silk. Apple. Cherry. Pumpkin.

They were all there.

I waited until everyone else had gotten theirs before snagging a giant piece of homemade French Silk pie.

It was so delicious that I wanted to moan in ecstasy, but my dad would kill me if I started making sex noises at the table.

“Thank you, for the lovely meal, Nora,” Kevin’s mom, Linda, said. “I’m sure it took you hours.”

“It was no bother,” my dad replied, because apparently his name was Nora now.

Linda sported a tight-lipped smile as she looked between my dad and mom. “Yes, well, thank you as well for inviting us, Aaron.”

He nodded. “You and your family are welcome here anytime,” he lifted his wine glass in salute.

He wouldn’t let my mom drink wine, the controlling bastard.

“Are you enjoying school?” Linda asked me with a bright smile. I had always liked her, but right now, I was irritated with her son and therefore her. I wanted her, Kevin, and her husband to leave, so I could wash the dishes and hide in my bedroom until tomorrow morning.

“It’s great,” I answered, sipping at my glass of water, because my dad didn’t let us drink soda or my favorite, sweet tea. I had never had sweet tea until I moved to Virginia for school, but after trying it, it had become my favorite drink.

“That’s good to hear,” she wiped her mouth free of pie crumbs.

She was the same age as my mom, but she looked ten years younger. Her light blonde hair glowed and her blue eyes were bright. A few wrinkles crinkled the corners of her mouth and eyes, but they weren’t that noticeable.

“What was it your dad said you’re studying?” Linda asked.

I scooted a little bit farther away from Kevin, whose leg had just brushed mine, before answering her. “He didn’t,” I mumbled low enough that no one heard. “I’m studying to be an English teacher.”

“Oh, isn’t that…nice,” she smiled.

I wanted to growl. It was like everyone looked down at you when you said you wanted to be a teacher. I guess it all came back to that saying; those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach.

“What grade are you thinking about teaching?” She asked.

“High school, I haven’t decided on what year yet, though,” I shrugged.
