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I glided my finger over the metal top. “Tell me about him. Please.”

Her gaze grew wistful. “He was the youngest child and he was always so…happy…and he wanted other people to be happy too. He was kind and giving. He would go without, so someone else could have. I remember one time,” she smiled sadly, “where he came home from school, starving to death, or so he said, because he’d given his lunch to a boy in his class who didn’t have one. He worried more about everyone else, than himself. He was just that kind of person.”

“He sounds like a remarkable man,” I whispered.

“He really was. He wasn’t like most people, and he left the world much too soon.” She laid a hand against my cheek and looked down at me, studying my face intently. “He would have loved you so much, Olivia. I want you to know that. I’m sorry you never got the chance to know him.”

Both of us were crying freely now. She reached for a box of tissues, handing me one and taking one for herself.

“I’m so sorry,” she dried her face. “I don’t have much time with you and here I am crying again.”

“Tell me more,” I pleaded. “Did he play any sports in high school?”

“Does the chess club count?” She chuckled. “Derek was always the studious one while Dexter was the rebel. Dexter used to try to get Derek to cover for him. But poor Derek,”

she shook her head, laughing lightly, “the boy couldn’t lie to save himself.”

“I think I got that trait from him then,” I giggled around my tears. It hurt to hear about him since I would never have the chance to know him but I needed this.

“Have you seen any pictures of him?” She asked, already spinning around her office in search of one.

“Yeah. I have some that my mom gave me,” I replied. “I-I look like him.”

“You do,” she stopped in the middle of the attic space. “You really do,” she whispered the last part wistfully. “I can’t believe I didn’t notice the similarities when you came into the shop the other day. I guess, since I didn’t know to look for them, you were just any other girl. I can’t believe,” she looked at the ground, fighting tears again, “I can’t believe you could have left here, and I would’ve gone on, never knowing that I had you as a granddaughter.”

I stood and went to hug her. “I guess we both have Trace to thank for that.”

“We definitely do,” she led me out of the room and down the narrow steps. “I have to get back to the store,” she frowned. “I know you would probably love a home cooked meal for dinner since you’ve been traveling but would you mind terribly if we ordered pizza tonight? That way we can spend more time catching up.”

“That would be great,” I smiled, dropping off the jar full of stars in the guestroom before going downstairs.

I hugged her again before she left. I had a feeling we would be doing a lot of hugging the next day or so.

I watched her drive away and the men slowly made their way back into the house.

“I couldn’t talk him into letting me drive that sweet ride out there,” my grandpa informed me when he shuffled back into the house, tossing a finger over his shoulder at Trace.

“Dad,” Dex chuckled, “that’s because you’re not a very good driver.”

Douglas cleared his throat as he took a seat on the couch. “He didn’t know that until you told him!” He exclaimed. “You blabbermouth!”

Dexter laughed, shaking his head at his father. “You’re a mess, old man.”

“Old man?” Doug scoffed. “You have almost as many gray hairs as I do!”

“Don’t remind me,” Dex grumbled, grabbing a piece of his curly hair and tugging on it.

“How are you?” Trace whispered in my ear as he came to my side.

“I’m okay,” I assured him.

He swiped beneath one of my eyes and I flinched at the tenderness still present from the bruise. “What the..?” He muttered, staring at the makeup now coating his thumb. He looked down at me and his eyes widened. He started to say something but then shut his mouth, a low growl emanating from his chest. Oh, crap.

“We’ll be right back,” he said through gritted teeth, taking my hand and leading me upstairs. “Which room are we staying in?” He snapped.

I startled at his tone and pointed a shaky finger at the room.

He dragged me inside and closed the door.
