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“I can’t help it that Trace is immune to the sweatshirt rule. You must be really good in bed or something. I don’t understand it.”

We ended up giggling at her words. I was so happy to have my best friend back. Before we left on our road trip I’d feared that the Avery I knew and loved was gone forever. She had never been so…depressed before. I was glad that she’d told me why and we were able to move past it. I hated what happened to her, but it really did explain so much about her personality.

“I’ve missed you,” I reached over to hug her once she parked at Marcy’s shop.

She hugged me back. “Missed me? I’ve always been right here, Livie.”

I shook my head. “No, for a while there you weren’t, and I really missed you.”

“Don’t make me cry, Livie, this took a while,” she pointed to all the makeup on her face.

I rolled my eyes and opened the car door.

Alba was working in the front of the store and when she saw me she called for her mom.

“You’re back!” Marcy exclaimed, coming around the counter to hug me.

“I’m so sorry that this is so last minute but I need a ring for Trace…by tomorrow,” I bit my lip nervously, worried that she might be mad.

“Tomorrow?” She raised a brow.

“Yeah,” I nodded, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. “You see, Trace’s grandpa is dying…and we kind of got married while we were gone, but we’re having a ceremony tomorrow so the whole family can be there. I want you and Alba to come, of course. There wasn’t time to send out invitations. I’m sorry. Please, don’t be mad at me,” I rambled uncontrollably.

“Silly girl,” she patted my cheek like an affectionate mother. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”

“I feel bad.”

“Nope,” she shook her head, “no feeling bad.”

“Do you think you’ll be able to make a ring that soon?” I asked, wringing my fingers together.

“I hope you don’t mind,” she smiled bashfully, “but when Trace got your rings I—uh—felt inspired and I kind of already made one for him. If you hate it, I’ll make a new one today. Don’t be worried about hurting my feelings,” she took my hand, dragging me to the back of the store. Avery followed behind me, gawking at all the unique pieces of jewelry.

Marcy opened one of her desk drawers and pulled out a black box. She took the lid off and dumped the ring into the palm of her hand.

“Here,” she handed it to me.

I gasped when I looked at the ring in my hand. It was perfect for Trace. It was so unique, I had never seen anything else like it, but that was Marcy’s specialty so I shouldn’t have been surprised.

“It’s made of pure titanium, that’s what gives it that brownish gray color, and those stripes there are rose gold,” she explained.

“It’s beautiful, Marcy,” I wrapped my arms around her in a tight hug. “Thank you, it’s perfect,” I stared down at the

ring in awe once more.

“Are you sure?” She questioned, eyeing me. “If you don’t like it, say so. You’re not hurting my feelings.”

“Honestly,” I smiled widely, “it’s exactly what I would have wanted him to have.”

“Good, I’m glad,” she clapped her hands together. “Now,” she leaned a hip against her desk, “what do you expect me to wear to this last minute wedding?”

I frowned, feeling bad that everything had to be so rushed. “I don’t care,” I said in all sincerity. “Wear that if you want,” I pointed to her rainbow colored hippie skirt and white top.

“I’m just messing with you,” she squeezed my arm. “I have a dress somewhere that will be suitable, and I’ll drag Alba with me kicking and screaming if I have to.”

“You won’t have to drag me,” Alba spoke up from behind me.

“Good, then maybe you’ll see their wedding and decide it’s time for you to have one of your own,” Marcy eyed her daughter.
