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I took a deep breath and let the words spill out of me. “There’s not much I can say after that,” I took his hands once more, “but I’m going to try.” I closed my eyes and wet my lips. “I believe that fate brought us together, because we both needed each other. You intimidated me at first with your cocky flirtatious remarks,” I laughed, “but I saw past that to the guy underneath and I fell in love with him…with you. I was scared of the things I felt for you, since I’d never experienced anything like it before. But I let myself fall, and it’s been the most exhilarating ride of my life. I love that you push me to try new things. I love that you listen to me, trust me, and respect me. We’re equals in every way. And today, I vow to love you with my whole heart, for the rest of my life.” I took his ring from Avery and slipped it onto his finger. It filled me with satisfaction and love to see that symbol of our union on his finger.

“God, I love you,” he grasped my face between his large hands and kissed me passionately.

Claps, catcalls, and laughter echoed around us, but in that moment it was just the two of us.

He pulled away and placed a soft kiss on the end of my nose. Taking my hand, we started back down the aisle.

“She’s Mrs. Wentworth now!” He yelled, raising our arms in the air. Everyone cheered at his words and I, of course, blushed at the unwanted attention.

“Wasn’t I already Mrs. Wentworth?” I looked up at him.

“Yeah, but now you have my ring on your finger, so it’s official,” he reasoned.

We didn’t make it very far before we were confronted by a photographer, eager to begin taking pictures of us and the rest of the family.

I smiled and posed as directed. Lots of pictures were taken with Gramps, and it made me sad knowing the reason why. But at least when he was gone, we’d be able to look back at these pictures and smile at the fact that we got to share this moment with him.

After nearly an hour of photo taking it was time for the real party to begin.

Tables were set up on the expansive property and more jar lanterns covered the tables and grass. I gasped at the all the silver origami stars adorning the tables. “Did you get my grandma to do this?” I asked Trace, clinging to his hand as he led us to the largest table.

“Of course,” he grinned. “I thought it was appropriate.”

“There’s so many,” I eyed all the tables. “It must have taken forever.”

“A few hours,” Maggie said from behind me.

“Thank you,” I hugged her. “They’re beautiful and special.”

“I had fun making them,” she shrugged nonchalantly. “Plus, it makes me feel like a piece of your dad is here with us.”

I smiled at that and sat down in the chair Trace pulled out for me. He took the seat beside me with Gramps and the rest of his family beside him. My grandpa was on my other side, then my grandma, mom, Nick, Dex, and Ella.

I knew I did the right thing having Gramps walk me down the aisle, but I felt bad for my grandpa. I mean, he was my own family and I hated to think I might have hurt his feelings by not asking him.

“Grandpa?” I leaned over and whispered in his ear.

“What, sweetie?” He smiled kindly, leaning back as servers set plates on the table.

I clasped my hands together, my fingernails digging into my skin. “I hope you aren’t mad that I didn’t ask you to walk me down the aisle.”

I looked down, avoiding his eyes.

“Of course I’m not mad,” he forced my chin up with a finger. “I understand. Now, if you don’t dance with me tonight, I might get mad then.” He chuckled so I knew he was messing with me.

“I think I can manage a dance,” I assured him.

“I’m looking forward to it,” he patted my cheek affectionately.

I spotted a family at a nearby table and elbowed Trace in the side. He choked on a bite of food and glared at me. “Woman, couldn’t you have waited for me to finish?”

“Sorry,” I laughed as he took a sip of water. “But is that Marcus and his family?” I pointed to the man that looked suspiciously like the one that had helped talk me into jumping off a bridge.

“Yep,” Trace smiled proudly. “I flew them in.” Shrugging, he explained, “I know they’re not family or anything, but meeting them on the road and connecting with them was nice. I wanted them to come.”

“You’re a good man, Trace Wentworth,” I grasped his knee and leaned over to kiss him softly.

“Because of you I’ll always try to be a better man,” he whispered, gazing at me thoughtfully.
