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She shrugged lightly, combing her fingers through her long, light brown hair. “Just that you two are absolutely perfect for each other. It’s kinda creepy.”

Jude chuckled and kissed the top of my head. “I bet you’re regretting pushing us together now, aren’t you.”

“Not at all,” she smiled.

They called for us to start lining up, and my heart jolted.

This was it.

We walked together over to where they were putting us in alphabetical order.

“Hey,” Jude said, his voice low.

“Yeah?” I looked up at him, and was once again struck by how crazy it was that he was mine. I hadn’t wanted any guy, especially not Jude, but here we were and I was quickly finding myself unable to imagine my life without him. It was scary and exhilarating all at once.

“You never told me what grade you got on your paper.”

I laughed, wondering what had made him think of that today. “An A of course,” I shrugged. “Were you afraid I’d bomb?”

“Not at all,” he grinned, “with my help how could you possibly fail?” He joked.

“Professor Taylor loved it,” I assured him with a grin on my face. “In fact,” my voice lowered, “I’m not supposed to tell anyone yet, but he knows someone who works at they city newspaper and they want me to shorten it for an article and they’ll publish it.”

Jude’s eyes grew wide and his mouth fell open. “That’s amazing, Tate!” He cried. “I’m so proud of you!”

I squealed, surprising the people around us, when he picked me up and hugged me tightly. When he lowered me, he dipped his head and captured my lips. The kiss started out sweet, but quickly escalated to dangerous levels.

“Get a room,” someone coughed. I was pretty sure it was Jacob.

I broke the kiss and Jude placed a single light kiss on the end of my nose.

He had to leave me then, since they were calling for us to line up and with his last name he was at the beginning of the line.

It took a little while to get all of us in order. Once we were in a straight line, it was time for us to enter the lawn and take our seats.

Despite knowing no one was there for me, I couldn’t help looking out to the crowd, searching.

I spotted Trent waving to Rowan, with Ivy and Tristan beside him, as well as his mom and grandma.

I didn’t know what Jude’s parents looked like so I didn’t bother searching for them. Besides, they probably weren’t even there.

I took my seat and settled in to listen to all the speeches. They all sounded the same. About how we were all going to leave here and do great things, change the world, blah, blah, and blah. I was tempted to stand up and scream, ‘Give me my diploma and let me leave!’ But I didn’t think that would go over too well, so I kept my mouth shut.

Our class was large so once they started calling names I knew we’d still be there a while.

When Jude’s name was called I shot out of my seat and clapped like a maniac. The people beside me looked at me like I’d lost my mind, but I didn’t care one bit. Jude spotted me and dipped his head in acknowledgement, grinning crookedly.

Name after name was called out, and then I heard mine.

“Tatum Elizabeth O’Connor.” Excitement and nerves filled my belly. I felt sick and high all at once.

I strode across the stage, my head held high. I shook the Dean’s hand and accepted my diploma.

As I descended the steps I heard someone yelling. When I looked up I saw Jude and I smiled instantly. But there was someone else yelling too. At first I thought it was Trent, and he was clapping, but he wasn’t doing the hollering. Looking farther into the crowd my eyes fell upon Jude’s grandpa. Tears sprang to my eyes. I’d never imagined he’d be here and I hadn’t heard him when Jude’s name was called, but then I guessed I was yelling too loud myself to hear anything else.

I realized then, that I did have a family.

They might not have been blood-related, but they were family nonetheless. I took my seat once more with the biggest smile I’d ever worn plastered on my face.
