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I wasn’t sure where he was going with this, but I answered anyway. “A month.”

His smile widened. “I bet that at the end of four weeks you’ll find that I’m really a nice guy.”

“Oookay,” my brows furrowed, “what do you get if you win?” I was scared to ask, but I had to know what he could want so bad that he’d be willing to make a bet.

“A date.” He waggled his eyebrows and licked his lips suggestively. If I were a meaner person I’d push him off the sidewalk into oncoming traffic. It was the least he deserved for being such a perverted jerk.

“If I win and still hate you in a month, what do I get?” I tilted my head slightly, waiting for his response.

His eyes widened in surprise, like he couldn’t believe I might actually agree to this. I wasn’t as much of an uptight bitch as he believed.

“If you win, I will gladly kiss the stick up your ass,” he chuckled, scratching his jaw. He held out his hand to me. “Deal?”


We shook on it and my fate was sealed.

I started to head towards my car, but he stopped me once more. Since I wasn’t in the mood to argue anymore, I let him lead me to his truck. It was an old beat up blue Ford. It was nothing special, but I knew Jude loved that truck more than he loved pretty much anything. Even though it was old, it shined like it was brand new.

He opened the passenger door for me. I rolled my eyes at his pathetic effort to be a gentleman. I wasn’t fooled.

He slid into the driver’s seat and I noticed for that first time that he was no longer wearing the jeans and t-shirt he’d worn earlier. Instead he’d changed into a pair of blue scrubs. He looked professional and capable in them—two things I never thought I’d associate with Jude Brooks. I wondered what had made him decide to get into nursing, but figured that was a question better left for later.

“Let’s play a game,” he suggested, starting up the truck. The engine roared and I resisted the urge to cover my ears with my hands.

“What kind of game?” I was hesitant to play any game Jude would come up with.

“How about each day I help you with your paper I get to ask you a personal question and you have to answer it honestly? If it makes you feel better you can ask me one question too.”

I sighed, figuring this was all a part of his ploy to get me on his side. He didn’t know it, but there was nothing he could do to ever make me like him. So, I agreed. After all, what could it hurt?

“Fine. Ask me whatever you want,” I shrugged, looking out the window.

He grinned widely, reminding me of a little kid when you gave them a toy. Maybe I shouldn’t have agreed to this. He’d probably either ask me something sexual, or why I hated him so much. Neither of which I would answer.

“What’s your favorite candy?”

I swiveled towards him, my mouth parting in shock. “What?”

“What’s your favorite candy?” He repeated, smiling like he knew exactly what I had expected him to ask. “It’s a simple enough question.”

Flabbergasted, I was unable to answer him for a moment. Finally, I opened my mouth and replied, “Twizzlers. The cherry kind. That’s my favorite.”

“Twizzlers,” he mulled that over. “I would’ve never guessed that.”

“What’s your favorite candy?” I asked, since I really didn’t care to ask him any personal questions. I did not want to get to know Jude.

“Hmm,” he tapped his fingers against the steering wheel as he thought. “Probably gummy bears.”

“Gummy bears?” I laughed.

His face fell. “What’s wrong with gummy bears? They’re delicious!”

“Nothing,” I said, fighting a smile, “I just didn’t expect that to be your favorite.”

“What did you expect then?” He questioned, eyes on the road.

I thought for a moment and answered, “Airheads or Sour Patch Kids.”
