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Patrick came over and laid a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

“Will she be okay?” I asked.

“She’ll be fine. Her ribs are bruised and she hit her head pretty hard. We’re keeping her sedated because of the pain but it could have been a whole lot worse. It’s as if something stopped her from moving around in the car. It’s nothing short of a miracle. But she’s in a slight coma-,” he said before I interrupted.

“Coma!” I said standing.

“It’s nothing to worry about. She should wake up in a few days.”

“A few days!” I shouted.

“Yes, young man its normal and nothing to worry about I promise you. Who do you think you are speaking to me like this?”

“I’m her fiancé! How dare you speak to me in such a way.”

“Jonathon,” said Patrick warningly.

“I’m sorry sir. You both just seem so young.”

I ran my hands angrily through my hair and sat back down. I wanted to rip this man’s throat out. I was so angry and everyone seemed to be making me angrier. It was taking every inch of self-control I possessed not to snap. I was at my limit.

He cleared his throat and said the words I was not prepared to hear, “I do have some bad news, however.”

I stood again. I couldn’t breathe. Patrick put an arm around me in comfort. He looked at me sympathetically. The doctor then said words I was even more unprepared to hear.

“It appears, well, in the wreck, I’m sorry to say, well she lost the baby.”

“What baby?” I said.

Patrick’s grip tightened in shock.

“I’m sorry. You didn’t know? She was pregnant. About six weeks I’d say.”

I put my head back in my hands. This was just getting worse and worse. I hadn’t told Patrick that Kylie and I had made love. Quite frankly I thought it was better left between the two of us and was no one else’s business. But I guessed it was too late. I wiped my face.

“Jonathon?” said Patrick shocked.

“Later,” I said.

The doctor looked between the two of us. “I’ll leave you for now. I’ll be back to check on her later,” he said before making his swift exit.

I sat down and took her hand in mine bringing it to my lips in a kiss.

“Jonathon?” said Patrick. “What is going on? What baby?”

I hung my head. “I’m sorry, Patrick. I am. But we did it. We made love. I know you told me to wait. But, well, she can be pretty convincing when she wants something and I’m not saying I’m an innocent party because I wanted to do it too even though I also wanted to wait and do it right. I guess my self-control isn’t as good as we all thought.”

“When? When did it happen?”

“The night of the battle after I proposed.”

“Jonathon,” he said and just his saying my name spoke volumes.

“I know.”

“If she hadn’t lost the baby she would have died in childbirth.”

“I know, Patrick,” I growled. I didn’t want to hear this. I hated him knowing how much of a failure I was. I couldn’t keep it in my pants and look where it had led us.
