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Vance crossed his arms over his chest. “Whatever.”

“Oh, that’s mature,” I muttered.

“Knock knock!” a sultry feminine voice called. Jesus, she sounded like a phone sex operator.

Vance practically ran across the room to scoop the woman into his arms. “Naela! You look amazing!”

She ran her hands along his back as she sank into his embrace. This Naela chick was a little too touchy-feely for my liking. Also, a little too beautiful. She had this bad girl, rocker chic thing going on, with streaks of blue peeking out from her jet black hair. She was petite, probably around five foot three, but she was built like a brick house. Her head turned in my direction as she rested it against his chest. Her violet eyes were surrounded by long inky lashes, high cheekbones, a pert nose, and full, berry-colored lips. Yep, it was official. This woman was basically every dude’s walking wet dream and she and Vance seemed to know each other well. Awesome.

“Vance? Are you going to introduce us to your friend?” I tried keeping my voice neutral but I don’t think I did very well.

He pulled away from her and cleared his throat. “Oh, yeah…uh…this is Naela.”

Leo chuckled. “And tell us, Detective, how do you two know each other?”

Vance’s cheeks flushed. WTF? “Um…we used to…we grew up together, I guess. She trained with us.”

Naela smiled seductively. “Oh, we did a little more than that, now.”

“Really?” Leo purred. “Do tell.”

Naela ran a finger up Vance’s arm. “We were lovers. I was his first.”

Leo barked in laughter. “You don’t say. Isn’t that interesting, my love?”

“Yeah, totally interesting,” I mumbled. Are you frigging kidding me?

Naela, AKA The Devirginizer, looked perplexed. “What’s the matter? We’ve enjoyed each other’s bodies. Repeatedly. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.” She turned towards Vance. “We should definitely do it again when you’ve finished meeting with Ornessa.”

Vance raked his hand through his hair. “Wow, I forgot how blunt everyone can be around here.”

She assessed me. “Ah, I see the problem. She has also had the pleasure of being in your bed. There’s no need to get upset, female. I don’t mind sharing.”

I glared at her. “Aw, that’s too bad, because I do.”

Three things happened at once. Leo growled, Vance smiled, and I mentally kicked myself in the ass for staking a claim on Vance in front of the entire room. Dammit!

“Unbelievable,” I muttered.

“I second that,” Leo snarled.

Naela cleared her throat. “Well then, I suppose that’s my cue to leave. We sent word to Ornessa that you’ve arrived. She’ll be in momentarily.”

Naela left the room, closing the door behind her.

When Vance looked about to speak, I held up my hand and gave both guys major stink eye. “Not one fucking word from either of you,” I warned. “I’m not in the mood.”

The three of us sat in awkward silence for about ten minutes before the doorknob turned. I looked up and was frozen in shock.

“Mom?” I croaked.

My mom clutched her hand to her chest. She looked exactly as I remembered; only her chestnut hair was styled differently now. How is this possible? She died over twenty years ago!

“It’s true,” she gasped.

Vance looked between the two of us. “Karli, no.”

I blinked through my tears as I faced Vance. “Huh? Did you say something?”
