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Bundling up Addison, she hurried out. Once at her childhood home, she ransacked her sister’s closet for shoes and also stole some jewelry. She would make an excellent burglar, being that she was in and out in five minutes flat. They were back to the mansion by four, and she needed to get Addison bathed, buffed, brushed, and shined for the ball.

Once Skylar had her little charge ready, she set her on the couch and turned on cartoons. “Stay here and don’t touch anything that can get you dirty. I have to get changed.”

She raced up the stairs and basically freshened up with what her grandmother called a whore’s bath in the sink, then squeezed into Hannah’s dress. It was gorgeous, but her sister wasn’t kidding when she said the top might be tight. Skylar’s boobs were bursting out of the plunging neckline and there wasn’t much she could do to smoosh them down.

She flipped her head over, slicked back her hair, and teased the rest into a bun. Nude silk stockings and midnight blue satin heels finished the look, but she needed something more. Digging through her makeup case, she found a black brow pencil and quickly smoked out her eyes. Her sister’s fake diamond earrings added that final sparkle and she was ready to go.

Addison gasped when she came down the stairs. “Wow, you look like a princess.”

“Thanks. So do you. Ready?”

“I didn’t get dirty.”

“Good.” Skylar buttoned Addison in her white dress coat. She wished she owned a nicer coat to go with her outfit, but her usual wool peacoat would have to do.

Walking through snow in heels was always fun. Luckily, she made it to the rec center behind Town Hall without breaking her neck.

The Jingle Ball was super fancy for their town. They even had valet drivers to park the cars.

Town Hall was illuminated with classic white twinkle lights, and candles lit each window. The rec center was dressed in hundreds of red poinsettias, and everything was draped in evergreen branches that glittered with gold satin bows.

Children raced around in beautiful clothing, the little boys with their clip-on ties and the girls in their shiny patent leather shoes. The choir had been arranged on the staircase leading to the second floor and people gathered around the landing as they sang “Silent Night”.

Families lined up to have their pictures taken with Santa. The air smelled of winter festivities. And guests sipped champagne while the sky outside started to snow.

“Let’s try to find your father.” They checked their coats and searched for Rhett, but Skylar didn’t see him anywhere. She did, however, spot Erin in a red dress by the bar.

A drink sounded great. Skylar led Addison through the crowd and into the banquet hall. Chef tables glowed from every corner as caterers readied carving stations and candy bars and even an omelet kiosk. A string quartet started to play while a DJ set up behind them.

“Wow,” Addison said, echoing Skylar’s thoughts.

No wonder this event was so pricey. The town pulled out all the stops. “This way.”

When they reached the bar, Erin spotted them and frowned. “What are you wearing?” Her gaze dropped to Skylar’s neckline.

Skylar glanced at her exaggerated bustline and flushed. “It was all I had last minute.”

“It’s a little low cut.”

It was, but it also wasn’t indecent. She smiled tightly. “Do you know where Rhett is?”

“Mr. Buchanan is speaking with constituents over by the ice sculpture. He won’t want to be disturbed while he’s networking.”

She was getting tired of this woman always trying to micromanage her every move. “His daughter wants to say hello.”

“I’d wait—”

“Come on, Addy. I see him.” She didn’t really care what Erin had to say at that point. The witch had already insulted her attire. And she still owed her forty bucks, which Skylar never expected to see.

As they pushed through the crowd, Rhett came into view. Dressed in his tuxedo, he looked like everything Bruce Wayne wished he could be. The man was absolutely perfect, the truest definition of debonair.

When he spotted them, his attention snagged and whatever he’d been saying seemed to fall right out of his head. A group of townies followed the mayor’s stare as he smiled to greet her and Addison.

“You look incredible,” he said, the moment Skylar approached. His eyes dropped to his daughter. “And look at you! Two princesses.” He scooped up Addison and kissed her cheek.

“Mayor Buchanan, can we get a picture?”

He turned and a man with a wide lens camera snapped his photo. Nearby, women gushed over what a handsome, doting father he was.

Skylar backed into the shadows, letting him have this moment, figuring it was good for his image and good for his daughter to share in his spotlight a little. It was also a good reminder of how out of her league and impressive he was when he wasn’t fumbling over Christmas ornaments and eating his fill of her apple pie. This was the real Rhett Buchanan, and it would serve her well to remember that.
