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She had become an obsession he’d quickly grown tired of trying to ignore. His fixation with her had multiplied every day, to the point that he was distracted at work and fighting the constant threat of an erection.

She didn’t even have to try for sexy. The woman achieved it effortlessly. Hell, even her bulky winter socks did it for him.

Backing out of the nursery, he gave her space to emerge when she was ready. As Skylar turned, the look in her eyes made it clear she understood his intentions. They were addressing the tension between them tonight.

She shut the nursery door and paused. Her hair had tumbled loose and her shoes were in her hand. Stocking-covered feet pointed toward him, small and delicate. Christ, there wasn’t one part of her that didn’t captivate him.

She glanced at the floor, appearing unsure.

Run, little girl… a hungry voice in his head growled, mostly because the thought of chasing her turned him on even more.

“I don’t understand what you want from me,” she whispered, her gaze lifting and slaying him in one glance.

“Does it matter?”

She studied him for a quiet moment. “Yes. I want to know.”

Her appeal to understand him gave him so much more than he had a right to ask for, more than she likely realized she was offering. He wasn’t perfect. That didn’t mean she had to accept him, but he felt her desire to do just that. He truly believed she wouldn’t be satisfied until she understood every hidden part of him, and it was her curious interest in him that fed something starved inside.

“Why would you think I didn’t want you there tonight?” She’d become a part of them. She made them function better as a family, and she was exceptionally patient with Addy. Of course, he wanted her there.

Her brows drew together in a fiercely adorable scowl. “You aren’t clear about your expectations. You had no right to get pissed that I stayed. Addison was sleeping. We weren’t in the way.”

“I never said you were.”

“Well, Erin…” Her words faded away and her lips pressed tight.

“Erin what?”

She shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. I know you were frustrated on the way out of there tonight. What did I do to frustrate you?”

Would she be able to handle the truth? He needed to find out. “You existed.”

“What?” Her head drew back.

“Skylar… I wasn’t angry that you stayed late. I felt like a shmuck for being too preoccupied to see that you and Addy made it home safe and at a reasonable hour. I was pissed at myself.”

She looked away in confusion. “But my existence frustrates you?” When her stare returned to his, she was pissed. “Are you firing me?”

Startled she’d jump to such a conclusion, he panicked. “No. The thought never crossed my mind. Do you want to quit?”

Her head shook, but her eyes hid secrets.

“Tell me what you’re thinking.” His voice stayed low and neutral, but he’d beg for her thoughts if he had to. He wanted to crowd her and touch her, but they needed to clarify a few things first.

Her lips pursed with a tight little scowl. “We never discussed what happened in the kitchen.”

“So, let’s discuss it now.”

A deep blush crested her sharp cheeks, drawing his attention to the beauty mark by her eye. She looked incredible tonight. Beautiful in a different way. Her eyes were done up with black coal and the blue irises popped in contrast. She looked dangerous, and for the first time, he admitted that this woman could actually hurt him.

She was the whole package and she deserved the same. As much as he wanted to get to know her, he now understood that women like Skylar Marcelli deserved a man’s full attention. They were an investment, because women like her could ruin men for all others. And once he had her, he was certain it would be a long time before he’d let her go.

“I kissed you because I wanted to. I stopped because I didn’t want you to feel pressured. You’re my employee.”

“You didn’t pressure me.” Her voice softened and he held his breath to hear every raspy word as she confessed, “I wanted it.”

His body tightened to a point of pain. “And now?”

Her gaze lifted, stark blue eyes driving home a challenge. “I don’t want to get hurt.”

“I won’t hurt you.” It was more likely that she’d be the one to hurt him in the end.

He stepped closer, dropping his voice and grazing his fingers along the delicate heart shape of her jaw. When she didn’t back away, he whispered, “But I’m not sure I can be gentle.”

“I don’t want gentle.”

God, help him. “What do you want?”

You… The silent word screamed from her eyes but he needed to hear her say it.

“Tell me.”

Her shyness, or perhaps it was inexperience, stole her voice.
