Page 108 of Samantha (Barrett 2)

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"Yes." Sammy twined her arms about Rem's neck, perceiving his urgency, her heart pounding with anticipation.

Whatever had instigated Rem's sudden breach of control mattered not. All that mattered was that her long wait was over.

"Samantha. . ." Rem's hands roved restlessly up and down her back, seeking the deeper joining his body craved. "I have to be inside you."

Wordlessly, she nodded.

In one harsh motion, Rem drew back, flames erupting in his eyes. Valiantly, he battled the tempest pounding through his loins, commanding him to abandon his plan and take Samantha right here, right now, propriety be damned.

"Rem?" She lay her hand against his jaw. "What is it?"

The gentle question was Rem's undoing, feelings stronger than lust rushing through him with the impact of a tidal wave. He'd waited this long. He could withstand another hour to make it everything Samantha deserved. "Let's go."

He seized Sammy's hand, guiding her alongside the house until they'd reached the main entranceway, where some guests were departing, others arriving. Abruptly, Rem stopped, steadying his breathing, mastering his passion. When he was certain he'd regained control, he leaned forward, brushing Sammy's hair with his lips, murmuring quietly in the final seconds before they reached the others. "Remember what I said—trust me."

"I do," she whispered, totally at sea.

Her puzzlement was swiftly dispelled.

"An urgent business matter has arisen," Rem announced in a voice audible enough for those in the vicinity to overhear. "I must attend to it immediately."

As if on cue, the carriage bearing the Gresham family crest swung into the drive, slowing to a stop before them.

To Sammy's stunned surprise, the door opened and Boyd emerged.

"I've sent for Mr. Hayword, who has agreed to escort you home," Rem explained. "Please accept my apologies, Samantha. The situation cannot be helped."

Sammy blinked, so astounded by this turn of events that she couldn't speak.

"My lady." Boyd bowed, then extended his hand to assist Samantha into the carriage. "I'll see you safely to your Town house."

Baffled, Sammy turned to look at Rem. Their eyes met, and he gave an almost imperceptible nod.

It was enough.

"Very well." Gathering up her skirts, Sammy put her hand in Boyd's and climbed into the carriage.

"Thank you, Boyd." Rem moved to stand beside his friend, continuing to speak in the same normal tone. "I owe you a favor."

"You owe me more than that if I manage this one," Boyd muttered for Rem's ears alone. Aloud, all he said was, "It's my pleasure. Once I've seen Lady Samantha home, I'll go to your Town house and await you there." Signaling the driver, Boyd swung into the seat opposite Samantha and sent Rem a brief wave.

They rode a block in silence. After that, Sammy could no longer contain herself.

"What on earth is going on?" she demanded.

Boyd gave her a crooked smile. "What do you think is going on?"

"You're arranging for Rem and I to be together," Sammy replied with no trace of embarrassment. She leaned forward. "Are you really taking me home?"

"In a manner of speaking, yes."

"What does that mean?"

"It means I'm taking you to your home ... and to Rem's."

"What?" Sammy's eyes widened. "We're going to Remington's house?"

Boyd nodded. "Following our visit to yours. Now, I want you to listen carefully. When we arrive at Abingdon Street, we're going to approach your Town house slowly—slowly enough for passersby to see the Gresham crest nearing its destination. If need be, we'll wait until sufficient people have witnessed our approach. The carriage won't come to a stop ... if it does, there's always the chance your butler will hear as and come out, assuming you've arrived home." Another grin. "Which, despite appearances, you haven't. Now for the indelicate part. I hope you have no aversion to carriage floors. Because, when I say the word, I want you to drop down out of sight and stay there. Don't move or say a word until I tell you to. All right?"
