Page 121 of Samantha (Barrett 2)

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"A hat?" Gertrude paused, her eyes narrowed assessingly. "Yes, you should wear a hat; that dress cries out for one. Now, let me think. A hat... a hat. . ." She snapped her fingers. "I have just the thing. Wait here." She tottered off, excitement crackling about her. A moment or two later she returned, clutching a wide-brimmed straw hat boasting five rows of red satin ribbon, three huge lavender flowers in the front and a bevy of billowing yellow ostrich plumes around the rim.

Sammy didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Here, dear." Gertrude pressed the monstrosity into Sammy's hands. "I insist that you wear it to impress that splendid escort of yours."


"No buts. Be off with you!" Aunt Gertrude shooed Sammy toward the stairs.

Still dazed, Sammy complied. What more could she do? She'd tried, several times in fact, to do the proper thing. She had no intention of giving Fate another opportunity to change her mind. Hat in hand, Sammy descended the steps and entered the sitting room.

"Hello, Rem."

He turned instantly, that devastating smile curving his lips, revealing his dimple. "You look beautiful, imp." He absorbed her slowly, possessively, his gaze openly intimate and caressing. Suddenly, his brow furrowed. "What is that?"

Biting back laughter, Sammy tucked the hat beneath her arm. "I'll explain later. Can we go now?"

"Alone?" His question emanated heated longing.

Sammy nodded.

"Come." He asked no further questions.

The moment the carriage left the drive, Rem pulled the curtains closed and swung across to sit beside Sammy.

"How much time do we have?" she asked softly, staring at her clenched hands.

"I told my driver to keep circling the park until I tell him otherwise."

"Good. We have much to discuss."

"No, imp, we don't." He raised her chin with a gentle forefinger. "You're going to be my wife. That's all there is to discuss." His gaze fell to her mouth. "Frankly, I'd hoped to put these hours to better use."

"Rem, I'm not a plaything. I'm a woman."

"I know." He brushed his lips over hers.

"Oh, Rem," Sammy wasn't certain why, but she had a sudden, desperate need for him to hold her. She pressed closer, laying her head on his shoulder, seeking some level of comfort that only he could give.

Rem seemed to understand, perhaps better than she. His arms closed around her, enveloping her in his strength, his warmth. "Don't be afraid, sweetheart," he whispered, his breath ruffling her hair. "Everything is going to be all right."

"I am afraid. And I don't even know why."

"Last night nearly brought me to my knees." Rem's voice was a husky caress. "What happened between us was beyond anything I've ever encountered, even remotely, in the past. So, isn't it natural that you, who came to my bed a complete and total innocent, would be a bit shattered by its intensity? I know I was ... I still am."

"I want more." Sammy gripped the lapels of his coat.

"I know you do." Rem didn't pretend to misunderstand. "And I'll give you everything I have to give."

She raised her head. "I shall never ask for more than that."

He kissed her; a slow, melting exploration of her mouth. "Would it help if I told you I never even believed myself capable of this much?"

Sammy smiled against his lips. "I don't believe you, my lord. I imagine scores of women have told you how devastating your kisses are."

Rem chuckled. "I wasn't speaking of my kisses."

"I know." Sammy twined her arms about his neck, feeling his muscles tighten in response. She was strangely touched by the effect she had on him, moved by the knowledge that, despite the vast number of women who had preceded her, she alone had captured Rein's invincible heart ... whether or not he knew it. "I love you, Rem," she whispered.
