Page 122 of Samantha (Barrett 2)

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He lifted her onto his lap, tugging the velvet ribbon from her hair and tangling his fingers in the cascading tresses that tumbled over her shoulders. "I want to drown in you," he muttered, dragging her mouth back to his.

Welcoming all the unspoken love in Rem's kiss, Sammy was utterly, entirely lost. Everything faded into obscurity; her plans, her thoughts, her very breath. All she knew was Rem. Rem and how much she loved him.

His mouth ravaged hers, taking, giving, drawing her tongue forward to mate with his. She gasped when his lips left hers, but her breath lodged in her throat as his mouth found the pulse point in her neck, the curve of her shoulder, the arch of her breast. Her bodice was down ... how,

when, she had no idea. All she knew was that his lips were surrounding her nipple, circling it, scraping it, drawing its aching peak into the heated cavern of his mouth. Sammy clutched Rem's shoulders, throwing her head back, all of last night's urgency crashing through her as if it had never gone, hot, violent need throbbing in her loins, pooling between her thighs.

"Rem ..." She sobbed his name, moving helplessly against him in a wild, undulating motion.

"Christ." It was a harsh growl, a reverent prayer, uttered from deep within Rem's soul. He couldn't think, didn't care about anything on earth but Samantha and losing himself in her melting warmth. He lifted her, unbuttoning his breeches and raising her skirts all at once.


He met her gaze from beneath passion-heavy lids, wildly battling the pounding urge beating inside him, the heedless voice that commanded him to take her, all of her, now, and damn everything else to hell.

Seeing the confusion in her eyes, he paused. "Is this what you want?" he demanded, his voice rough with unquenched desire.


"Then tell me."

"I want you, Rem." Her voice was reckless with passion. "Just tell me how."

Her innocence was the most powerful aphrodisiac Rem had ever known. He groaned, feeling himself harden nearly beyond bearing. "Put your knees on either side of me," he managed through clenched teeth. "Do it now, Samantha, before I lose my mind."

She complied instantly, draping her skirts about them, encasing their bodies in an intoxicating, erotic cocoon.

Rem watched her eyes as he entered her, driven nearly crazy by the sexual awakening he saw there. "Deeper," he commanded, seizing her hips and pulling her down to envelop him. "So deep that we're one."

"Oh . . ." Sammy quivered as she caught the motion, rising up only to sink down again, taking him as far inside her as she could.

"Samantha . . ." Rem slid his hand around her nape, tugging her mouth down to his. "Kiss me." He arched up and into her. "Now move with me."

It was heaven and hell combined, a heightening of the senses that was beyond bearing. Their lips moved feverishly in conjunction with their bodies, each frenzied thrust taking them deeper inside each other, bringing them closer to the shattering brink. Sammy's thighs clenched convulsively around Rem's, her untutored body desperate, pulsing with its need for release.

"Please, Rem ... I can't bear it."

"I know. God ... I know."

The carriage hit a bump, driving Sammy forward, burying Rem still deeper inside her.

"Rem!" It was a sob, a plea, a celebration.

He worked his hand beneath her enveloping skirts, between their straining bodies, and found her. Ardently he stroked her swollen flesh, his opposite palm digging into the small of her back. He pulled her into him, hard, simultaneously raising up to bury himself to the hilt. His mouth ate at hers, his fingers burned into her aching depths, and Sammy catapulted over the edge, her blind cry of release silenced only by Rem's devouring mouth.

Rem followed her into the blistering pleasure, unable to stop himself even if he willed it. Samantha's inner muscles contracted around him, possessing him sweetly, totally, rendering him mindless, hurling him into his own excruciating release. He poured himself into her, burning explosions of sensation that hammered through him like gunfire, heaving his body into hers again and again, flooding her with the endless flow of his seed.

Sammy tore her mouth from his, unable to remain silent, sobbing his name with each exquisite spasm of her body. Instinctively she arched, taking all of Rem's scalding climax, watching his face as he gave it to her.

They floated, suspended as one, for a few magnificent moments. Then they drifted back to earth.

Sanity returned slowly.

Rem's head fell back against the seat cushion, his arms tightening reflexively around Samantha. She was shaking uncontrollably, her face buried in his shoulder, and he absorbed her hard shudders, dragging great gulps of air into his lungs.

The carriage rounded a curve, jostling its dazed occupants back into reality.

Sammy lifted her head.
