Page 133 of Samantha (Barrett 2)

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"Please don't put me in this position, sir," Smitty requested with quiet dignity. "I care very much for both you and Lady Samantha."

"Not to mention that Lady Samantha can speak for herself." Sammy shut the door firmly and crossed the room. "Honestly, Drake, I can hear your bellowing all the way in my bedchamber." She stood on tiptoe and kissed her brother's cheek, ignoring his furious expression. "You're going to awaken the whole household."

"Evidently, that doesn't include you—you're already awake and dressed. Why is that?" Drake demanded. "It's not even dawn."

Sammy dimpled. "I wanted to see the sun rise. It's like watching an artist create a dazzling painting. Not to mention that I fully intended to reread my favorite sections of Mansfield Park... until I heard your thunderous arrival." She inclined her head quizzically. "What have Smitty and I done to make you so angry?"

"Is it true that you've been cavorting with the Viscount Anders and the Earl of Gresham?"

Sucking in her breath, Sammy looked quickly at Smitty, who answered her unspoken question with a brief shake of his head. "I... I..."

"Bloody hell." Drake raked his fingers through his hair. "Which one? Or is it both of them?"

"Stephen merely visited once or twice and danced with me at several balls," Sammy blurted out. "I have no feelings for the man and certainly have done nothing to encourage him." Frowning, she considered her statement. "Of course, he did give me that expensive necklace, but I sent it back right after I told him it was far too extravagant to give to a woman who wanted only to be his friend. I realize he has some foolish misconception that I shall change my mind and welcome his advances ... but that's not about to happen. I wish he and Remington weren't always fighting, because it makes it terribly awkward and uncomfortable when we run into him. But Rem cannot seem to control his compulsion to protect me. I suppose, if I were to be honest, I'd have to admit that I enjoy his possessiveness. Still, I can't imagine he'd even suspect I'd be interested in another man under the circumstances."

"Circumstances?" Drake echoed. Clenching his fists, he battled for the control he promised Alex he'd exert. "Samantha, are you telling me you're involved with Remington Worth?"

"I'm going to marry him." Sammy sighed. "If that quick temper of yours had permitted you to wait a few hours longer, you could have saved yourself a trip. Rem is riding to Allonshire this morning to ask for my hand."

That did it. "No."

Sammy recoiled as though Drake had struck her. "What?"

"You heard me—no. No, I will not see Remington Worth; no, you will not convince me otherwise; and no, you will not marry him."

"But why?" Sammy whispered. "Why?"

"Because I forbid it." Drake turned his blazing stare on Smitty. "Pack your things and Samantha's at once. You're coming home to Allonshire with me. Tonight."

"Consider what you're doing, Your Grace," Smitty tried, his troubled gaze traveling from Samantha to Drake and back.

"More importantly, what have you been doing? I sent you to London to look after Sammy, not to deliver her into the hands of a disreputable rake!"

"Don't blame Smitty!" Tears glistened on Sammy's cheeks. "He tried to keep me from seeing Rem. But like my brother, I have a mind of my own. I love him, Drake," she added in a small, shaky voice.

"No, Samantha, you don't love him."

"Yes ... I do."

"We'll discuss it later, at home."

"I won't go."

Drake started. "What?"

"You're being completely unreasonable." Sammy backed away until she felt the door handle behind her. "And I will not obey like some small, docile child. I'm a grown woman, Drake. When will you accept that?" In one sharp movement she yanked open the door and fled from the room.

For a long silent moment Drake merely stared after Sammy's retreating back, pain and shock alternately reflected on his face. In all of her eighteen years, Sammy had never turned her back on him, never fled from his presence. Never ... until now.

Recovering, Drake moved toward the hall. "I've got to go after her."

"No, Your Grace." Smitty stepped in his path. "Give Lady Samantha some time alone. You'll only make matters worse by confronting her now."

Drake swallowed. "Exactly how far has this relationship gone?"

"I'm not Lady Samantha's confidant, sir. But I would suspect she does have very strong feelings for the earl."

Slowly, Drake averted his head until his gaze locked with Smitty's. "I don't think I like what you're telling me."
