Page 136 of Samantha (Barrett 2)

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"I can't answer that."

"You're not really in any financial difficulty, are you?"


Sammy leaned back, solemnly studying him. "I don't know you at all."

"You know me, Samantha." Rem framed her face between his palms. "Better than I know myself, perhaps."

Her eyes closed against the bittersweet pain. "You warned me, didn't you? That there was a part of your life—as well as your heart—you could never share? But I didn't listen."

"Imp ... look at me." He waited until she complied. "You're going to have to forget everything you overheard here tonight."

Sammy met his penetrating silver stare and saw the gravity and magnitude of his command. "Just answer one question. Whatever you're doing, whoever you're working for, do you intend to harm my brother?"

He didn't hesitate. "No."

"All right." Shakily, Sammy inhaled. "Then I've forgotten everything I heard since I alit from the carriage."

A muscle worked in Rem's jaw. "You humble me."

"What can I do to help?"

"You can stay out of peril." Rem glanced around, suddenly reminded of where they were. "What are you doing at Boydry's? Before dawn, no less."

"I needed to see you." Sammy gripped Rem's arms, reassailed by the emotional impact of her quandary. "Drake is in London. He knows about us." Her eyes misted. "He's forbidden me to marry you."

"Damn . . ." Rem scowled, evaluating this unexpected development. "When you say he 'knows about us,' what exactly do you mean?"

"If you're asking, does he know we've been together, I'm not sure. The argument didn't get that far. I told him I loved you, that you were going to visit Allonshire today to ask for my hand."


"And he blew up. He told me he wouldn't see you, nor discuss the idea of my wedding you. He ordered me back to Allonshire, immediately."

"Under the circumstances, that doesn't surprise me," Rem muttered, his mind racing. He knew what had to be done. The question was, could he convince Samantha to comply without shattering her faith entirely?

"Imp," he began, praying her belief in him was strong enough to withstand this inopportune test. "I have no right to ask this of you, especially after all that's happened. But I'm asking nonetheless: do you trust me?"

"And I'm answering as I always have: I trust you with my life."

A knot of emotion clogged Rem's throat. "I'm honored as well as humbled." Gently, he smoothed Sammy's hair from her face. "Do as your brother says."

She started. "What?"

"Go home with Drake. Spend some time with Alexandria and your new niece. Tell them you need time to think, to make plans. Tell them anything you want. Just stay at Allonshire until I come for you. And Samantha…" His hold on her tightened. "I will come for you."

The doubt and betrayal he expected to see never appeared. Instead, insight, stark and absolut

e, illuminated Sammy's eyes like a blaze of fireworks. "Whatever you're involved in ... it's dangerous."

It was Rem's turn to be startled. "I've been told by hundreds of people that I am impossible to read; a true enigma."

"Those people obviously weren't in love with you."

He stared deep into her eyes and something painful and profound moved within his chest, blanketing the past in a dark and distant memory, spawning a soul-stirring emotion that terrified him with its intensity. "I love you, Samantha Barrett." The words escaped before he realized he'd said them.

"I know you do," Sammy whispered, twining her arms about his neck. "But I so needed to hear you say the words." Joyful tears filled her eyes. "Thank you, Rem."
