Page 137 of Samantha (Barrett 2)

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With a low groan, Rem dragged her closer, capturing her mouth under his. "What did I ever do to deserve you?"

"So many things. You're tender and caring, but at the same time fearless and protective. And loyal. A true hero ... my hero."

"Keep believing in me," Rem breathed fiercely, pressing her head to his chest. "No matter how difficult it becomes, keep believing in me."

Fear clutched Sammy's heart. "I know you're walking into danger." She gripped his coat. "Please ... be careful."

"A hero would never refuse his heroine's request," Rem murmured, his voice hoarse with feeling. "Rest assured, my lady, I'll soon be riding to Allonshire to claim you. Now go and await my arrival."


"I thought I might find you here."

Alexandria crossed the library and sank down on the settee beside Samantha. "What are you reading?"

"I have no idea," Sammy answered honestly, closing the book. "I've read the same paragraph seven times."

With an understanding nod, Alex folded her hands in her lap. "Are you ready to talk?" she asked frankly. "Or is it too soon?"

A tiny smile touched Sammy's lips. "I wondered what was taking you so long. I've been home for two days."

"I thought you needed some time. Besides," Alex sighed, shaking her head, "it's taken me every bit of the two days to calm your brother down."

"I'm sorry, Alex. This is the last thing you needed. You've barely regained your strength since Bonnie's birth."

"Despite Drake's incessant worrying, I feel wonderful and have been up and about for days. As for your twinges of guilt"—Alex took Sammy's hand in hers—"anything that troubles you, troubles me as well. In all ways but blood, we're sisters."

"I know. I..." Sammy's eyes filled with tears and she launched herself into Alex's arms. "I don't know what to do," she sobbed. "I'm home ... and yet I'm not. I've only been away a fortnight, and yet it was a lifetime. I'm the same, and yet I've changed." She drew back, wiping her cheeks self-consciously. "I never used to cry, and lately it seems that's all I do. You must think I'm quite mad."

"No, Sammy." Alex stroked Samantha's hair tenderly. "I don't think you're mad. In fact, I've felt very much the way you're feeling right now."

Sammy stared at her beautiful, self-assured sister-in-law. "When?"

"When I fell in love with your brother."


"You're in love with Remington Worth, aren't you?" Alex pressed gently.

"So much that it hurts. But every time I try to say it, Drake flies into a rage. I don't want to anger him, but I can't stop loving Rem."

"Drake worries about you, Sammy. And so do I. But it's different for me; I'm a woman, and I remember what it feels like to fall in love with an overpowering, disreputable man. Unfortunately," Alex grinned, "Drake remembers what it's like to be that overpowering, disreputable man. And he's terrified that Lord Gresham will hurt you."

"I understand. Drake wants to protect me. But why won't he give Rem a chance? Why does he refuse to even see him? I'm not so naive that I don't know what Rem's life was like before we met; how many women there were. But all that's changed now, Alex. He loves me; I know he does. His intentions are entirely honorable. Why won't Drake believe that?"

"He will... in time. But Drake still thinks of you as a child. You recall how vehemently he opposed the idea of your being brought out even one day before your eighteenth birthday."

"Well, I'm eighteen and two months now. And he hasn't improved."

"My point exactly. He's brooded since you left for London; over Smitty's competence as a guardian, over your inexperience at rebuffing the immoral blackguards of the ton. And now, in Drake's mind, his worst nightmare has been realized. One of those immoral blackguards has won your heart."

"So what do I do?"

"Try to call on just a small amount of the patience that you and I are so severely lacking. Drake will soften; I promise."

"If you say so."

"Tell me about him."
