Page 142 of Samantha (Barrett 2)

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"He was never actually violent." Towers's brows drew together as he tried to explain. "Our fear was based on what we knew he was capable of doing; that frigid, emotionless voice grating out his orders ... like he didn't give a damn who lived and who died. Which, of course, he didn't."

"How long were you on the island?"

"One night. I escaped the next morning."

"Did he allow you food? Water?"

"We were given a few berries and some sips of water, only so we wouldn't die before reaching our destination. They fed us when they uncovered our eyes. That was the first time the pirate captain spoke directly to me. He yanked off the cloth binding over my eyes, gripped my shirt with one of his enormous fists, and shoved some berries at me. I ate them—I was too hungry to be proud—but I wanted to spit them in his filthy, scarred face. Not long after, we were given water, then our eyes were covered again, until daybreak. I've already told you the rest." Towers slumped in his chair. "Dammit, Gresham, I wish I could remember more."

"You have." Rem ground out his cheroot and rose. "You've told me enough to pick out the privateer who's working with Summerson."

Towers blinked. "But you said you needed a more thorough—"

"And you provided it." Rem scooped up his coat. "Originally all you said was that he was of average height, heavyset, with black hair and a beard. Now you've added that he has a raspy voice, large hands, and scars on that portion of his face that is exposed. An excellent description." Rem crossed the sitting room. "Tell Harris I couldn't stay. Thank you, Captain Towers."

The ride to Allonshire took the better part of an hour, and Rem used every precious moment of it to finalize his plan.

Ironic that everything was coming to a head at once; his mission, his confrontation with Drake, his future. And it all depended on this one, all-important meeting.

The meeting Drake Barrett knew nothing about.

The iron gates of Allonshire loomed ahead, and Rem's gut clenched. He was unused to feeling off balance, and the reality of it was disconcerting, though unsurprising. Until now he'd been fighting for England, and defeat was inconceivable. But tonight he was fighting not only for his country, but for his future.

The carriage slowed, stopped, and Rem alit, more determined than he'd ever been in his life ... and more vulnerable.

"Hello, Humphreys." Soberly, he greeted the butler. "I'd like to see the duke."

"Is he expecting you, Lord Gresham?"

"He most certainly is, Humphreys. We both are."

Alexandria Barrett's clear voice interrupted whatever Rem had been about to say. Walking forward gracefully, she nodded her permission at Humphreys. "By all means, ask the earl to come in."

"Very good, Your Grace." Humphreys stepped aside at once.

"Thank you, Your Grace." Rem bowed, a puzzled look in his eyes. "I appreciate your cordial welcome."

Alex assessed him silently for a moment. "Humphreys, wait a quarter hour before telling the duke that Lord Gresham is here," she instructed. "I want to meet with the earl myself. We'll be in the yellow salon."

"But Your Grace—"

"That will be all, Humphreys."

Alex gestured for Rem to follow her down the hall to the cozy yellow salon in Allonshire's southern wing. "We'll have some privacy here. Come in, Lord Gresham." Swiftly, she closed the doors behind her.

"May I offer my congratulations on the birth of your daughter?" Rem opened gallantly.

"Thank you." Alex paused when she reached the sideboard. "Now, may I offer you something?"

"An explanation, perhaps." Rem's dimple flashed. "Forgive my abruptness, Your Grace, but I have to wonder—"

"Alexandria. My given name, as I'm sure you recall." Alex poured two glasses of claret. "And there's no need to apologize ... at least not for your understandable curiosity. For your intimacy with Samantha, now that is indeed another thing." Inclining her head, Alex offered Rem his drink.

Rem stared, automatically taking the proffered glass.

"Some of Sammy's candor is derived from her brother, my lord. The rest she acquired from her close relationship with me. To your health." Alex raised her glass.

"And to yours." Rem chuckled. "I have the feeling this is going to be a most interesting chat."
