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Sammy wet her lips with the tip of her tongue. She should have known better than to think Rem would make this easy, she realized. "Stephen only just arrived. He came to ... that is . . ." Self-consciously, her fingers flew to the heavy gold and diamond necklace at her throat.

The viscount stood in one fluid motion. "I brought Samantha a small token of my esteem, Gresham," he said with a smug smile. "It looks lovely on her, does it not?"

Rem's icy gaze dropped to the glittering gems. "Yes. Very lovely. And very costly."

"Samantha is more than worth the cost, no matter how high."

"Please, Stephen, you're embarrassing me." A faint tinge of color stained Sammy's cheeks. "And, if you recall, I also told you the necklace was far too extravagant."

"Nonsense, my dear. 'Tis but a mere trinket." Anders straightened his waistcoat. "I'll take my leave now. But rest assured, I'll be calling again tomorrow."

"Good day, Anders." Rem's voice was menacing.

"Cynthia, would you show the viscount to the door, please?" Sammy asked.

For the first time, Cynthia spoke. "I really don't think—"

"Please, Cynthia." It was not a request.

"Fine. I'll be but a moment." Cynthia's eyes flashed Sammy a warning.

The instant they were alone, Rem caught Sammy's elbows, dug his fingers demandingly into her skin. "Take it off."

"Pardon me?"

"The necklace. Take it off. I don't ever want to see you wearing it again."


"Samantha, I'm going through a gamut of emotions right now, none of which I'm enjoying. I want to kill Anders in cold blood, smash that necklace into a thousand fragments and haul you off somewhere where Anders will never find you again." Rem ravaged her with his eyes. "I need and I ache and I hurt."

"So you came to me," she whispered, tenderness softening her features. "Thank you, Remington." She lay a trembling hand on his jaw. "I'd want it no other way."

With a muffled oath, Rem dragged her into his arms, kissing her with a clawing, bottomless hunger. The raw vulnerability that had accompanied him from Allonshire merged fiercely with the primal possessiveness now raging through his blood. He wanted to absorb her into himself, ease the gnawing ache in his soul with the sweet balm of her body, bury his pain, his jealousy, and his bewilderment deep inside her, along with his seed.

Sammy twined her arms around his neck, standing on tiptoe to lean into his kiss and give him hers. Her tongue glided into his mouth, stroked slowly along his, then ran lightly over the tingling surfaces surrounding it.

Cupping her soft bottom, Rem lifted Sammy up and against him, hard and fast and fully, pressing his rigid arousal between her thighs in such a way that it burned right through the ineffective barrier of her gown.

"Rem ..." Half moan, half sigh, it was enough, when combined with the inadvertent, tantalizing motion of her hips, to strip away the last of Rem's control.

"Christ... I want to lock that bloody door and take you right here. Right now. On the floor." Rem rasped the words into her parted lips. "I couldn't even make it to a bed, that's how badly I want you. Samantha ..." Kneading her buttocks through the layers of silk, Rem urged her closer, melding their lower bodies into one. He rocked his hips against hers, delving as deep into her softness as their clothing would allow, so frantic to brand her that he was shaking. "Tell me you want me," he demanded hoarsely. "Say the words."

"I want you," she managed. "So much, Rem."

"Only me."

"Only you."

Rem lifted his head, stared into her magnificent jade-green eyes. "I can't wait anymore."

Not even a whisper of fear crossed Sammy's face. "I don't want to wait. Please, Rem, find a way."

He felt her heart pounding against his. "Samantha ..." There was so much to say, and no words with which to say it.

"The necklace means nothing," Sammy tried, mistaking Rem's silence for brooding. Easing out of his embrace, she reached behind her neck to unclasp it. "I'm not even certain why Stephen gave it to me."

"Oh, I know exactly why he gave it to you."
