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"Even if they want me." Her eyes twinkled. "And even if they're incomprehensibly affluent."

Rem's dimple flashed. "No gifts, you said. Does that mean I needn't take you to Hatchard's again?"

"No, it definitely does not mean that," she teased back. Abruptly, her laughter faded. "What it does mean is that you needn't agonize over your lack of funds. Your temporary lack of funds," she corrected herself. "One of your investments will prosper; you'll see." Another radiant smile lit her face. "Heroes always prevail."

Heroes. Investments.

Abruptly, Rem remembered he had important news for her. "You may be right about one of my investments proving successful. I entered into a business arrangement today that I think will be a long and profitable one."

"Oh, Rem, that's wonderful!"

"I think you'll be interested to learn more about it, not to mention the name of my colleague."

Sammy's brows drew together quizzically. "Why? Do I know him?"

"Quite well,"

"Who is it?"

"The Duke of Allonshire."

"Drake?" Sammy clapped her hands together. "You met with Drake today?"

"I did. But before I tell you the details, there's a small bit of news I think you'll want to know." He grinned. "You're an aunt again, imp. As of approximately two hours ago you have a niece."

"A niece!" Sammy clutched Rem's forearms. "Is the baby well? Is Alex well? What's the baby's name? Who does she look like? How did Gray take the news? Is Drake ecstatic? Is Alex exhausted? Is Humphreys telling all the world yet? Does Smitty know?"

"Enough!" Rem's shoulders were shaking with laughter. "I can scarcely remember your questions, much less think of answers to them. My information is sketchy at best; I left the moment your brother received the announcement."

"Received the announcement? Wasn't he at Alex's bedside?"

"No. Evidently, Alexandria felt things would go easier if Drake weren't present."

"In other words, he was a nervous ninny and Alex tossed him out."

"Precisely. I can tell you that both baby and mother are well, and your brother is euphoric. If my suspicions are correct, your nephew—whom incidentally I met and found to be a thoroughly enjoyable little lad—is thrilled with his new sister, long having abandoned the foolish notion of wishing for a brother. Your butler, Humphreys, did appear to be bursting with pride, so I assume he began notifying the world of the babe's arrival immediately following my departure. As for Smithers, I rode here directly from Allonshire, so, unless someone's carriage is faster than mine, your brother's valet couldn't possibly have received the news yet. Lastly, so far as the infant's name and physical attributes, I wasn't told." Rem paused to inhale deeply. "Have I covered everything?"

"Oh, yes! Oh, Rem how wonderful!" Sammy threw her arms around his neck. "I'm so happy ... I can't wait to meet my new niece!" Leaning back, Sammy smiled delightedly up at Rem, a magnificent idea dawning in her eyes. "Would you take me to Allonshire?"

"Sweetheart . . ." Rem hesitated, trying to think of a way to present the reality to his naive Sammy. With her customary exuberance, she could see naught but the rightness of his accompanying her to her brother's house.

He, fortunately, could see beyond.

"Samantha." He caught her hands, easing her away from him. "I don't think Drake would think kindly of my escorting you to his home."

"But you said you're conducting business with him ... surely you must be on good terms?"

"I am and we are. I've commissioned Barrett Shipping to construct a brig for me."

"You did?" Sammy chewed her lip, perplexed. "But how will you pay for it?"

A brief pause. He hated lying to her. But to tell her the truth meant to justify his original He, which in turn meant to jeopardize his identity and his mission. "I managed to secure a loan."

"Why do you want a brig?"

"I plan to begin my own fleet. Hopefully, my ships will succeed in safely traversing British waters."

"I see. And is Drake enthusiastic about the idea?"
