Page 2 of Until Jake

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Kate’s mind whirled. “Um, not counting the one in the shower this morning? Which I really should credit the detachable showerhead for, though I was imagining Mr. Hardbody’s head between my thighs at the time. And might I add, I’m already giving him huge props for having one hell of a talented tongue.”



“How. Many?”

“Difficult to say…” She waved a hand in the air, more so to get Maggi to move than as dramatic effect. “At least a dozen, I suppose.”


“What?” Kate stared at her friend, dumbfounded. “What is the big deal? He’s insanely gorgeous and I’m lusting after him. What is the problem with that? I mean, seriously, Mags. It’s about time I found someone who makes my nipples hard and—”

“Okay,” Maggi said in a very controlled voice. “I will validate that your dry spell is borderline inhumane. No woman should go that long without sex. Period.”

“Or an orgasm not delivered by the Cadillac of all vibrators that I had to invest in when I nearly gave myself carpal tunnel while I was with Ken—because ‘it would be oh-so much more romantic and meaningful, Kate, if we waited until we were married’.”

Maggi cringed. “Point taken. But…” She clasped her hands in front of her chest, as though preparing to deliver a very serious sermon to her dear friend with the lost soul. “You can’t live the rest of your days fueled by fantasies. You can’t forsake human contact for tawdry…fantasies. You can’t just…fantasize…about this guy all damned day… Oh, good grief.” She let out an exasperated sigh.

“You’re absolutely right,” Kate conceded. She was suddenly tired of ogling the Adonis from afar.

She needed relief and she needed it now.

It was time to take action!

Jumping to her feet, Kate said, “I’ve got to stop fantasizing—and start fucking.”

* * *

He was a construction worker, for God’s sake. Would it really be so shocking if she just walked right up to him and told him what she wanted? Lord knew enough construction workers had propositioned her in her lifetime.

Why couldn’t she turn the tables?

Kate considered this as she left the office, took the stairs to the first floor and entered the courtyard. Her heart hammered in her chest and she wasn’t the least bit certain what she was going to say to him, but damn it. She was attractive and had a trim body from Pilates. She may be older than the twenty-something stud, but that didn’t matter when a person was this sexually charged. In fact, Kate doubted a woman his age could match her current prowess. Her raging hormones kept her in a constant state of arousal—and he was exactly what she needed to take the edge off.

Making a quick stop at the outdoor snack shack, she purchased a soda and a bottle of water. Then she marched down the cobblestone pathway, the clicking of her high heels echoing her determination.

Not allowing herself to think about the rejection she could receive, she stepped onto the grass and walked right up to the incredibly built man. Who was now using his shirt to mop the sweat from his chest, considering the record-breaking summer temps. Kate’s gaze locked on his breath-stealing bod—endless bronze skin and rigid sinew.

Oh. Yum.

He really was perfection personified.

Working down the lump of desire in her throat, she thrust both hands out and managed to ask, “Thirsty?”

A slow smile split his extremely kissable lips. His electric-blue e

yes slid over her like a fiery caress. Kate’s pulse hitched as the heat from his gaze flamed her skin. An insistent ache started deep in her core.

“Actually,” he said when his eyes met hers, “I am.” He considered her offering, then selected the water. “Thanks.”

Kate opened the soda with shaky fingers and took a long drink, stalling as she attempted to get her pounding heart to ease up a bit. Before she went into cardiac arrest.

She boldly said, “I was getting dehydrated just watching you work. It’s hot out here.”

And getting hotter by the second…

He ignored the bottle of water in his large hand and stared at Kate, as though trying to cut right to the chase and discern what she was up to.
