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Still, it was a bit awkward.

Regardless, it worked in our favor. Kyle cleared the way for us with Security and made it so that no one was around as we came through the door and entered Macy’s office, Dane with a ball cap pulled low on the brow and his head down—the fewer people identifying him the better.

Amano waited in the hallway while I surmised Kyle went to greet everyone on the back patio, since it was a typical beautiful Sedona day to be outside.

Macy gave me a hug. “I’ve been worried about you, but Kyle said you’ve been doing some traveling.”

“Yes,” I perpetuated his excuse for my absence. Then I said, “I’d like to introduce you to my husband, Dane Bax.”

He removed his cap and extended his hand.

Her jaw dropped.

I continued. “Dane, this is Dr. Macy Stevens, Kyle’s aunt. She owns and runs the retreat. She’s been a huge help with the baby. And in general.”

“Then I’m indebted to you,” he told her in an earnest tone. “I’m afraid our situation has been less than ideal. Complicated. And very difficult on Ari. But necessary.” His jaw clenched for a moment. “Regrettably.”

I could see we’d stunned her. Obviously, from her expression, she knew who Dane was. Who he’d been. I had no idea of the appropriate connotation, since he was supposed to be dead yet stood here in her office.

Ever graceful, she recovered quickly. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” They shook. “And I’m so happy the two of you are together again.”

It was evident she didn’t know what to say. I didn’t blame her.

“It’s a rather long story,” I explained. “I didn’t know for some time that Dane had survived the explosion at 10,000 Lux. He was severely injured. Now he’s working undercover with the FBI. So I’m sure you can understand how imperative it is to keep his … existence … quiet.”

“Of course.” She gave a slight smile, still looking a little confused and flustered but clearly trying to grasp the full scope of the situation. At any rate, she added, “Rest assured, both of you. Doctor-patient confidentiality is of utmost importance to me, but aside from that, as a friend, I certainly know how to keep a secret.”

“Thank you, Dr. Stevens,” Dane said. “We don’t want to put you in any sort of compromising position, but I really wanted to be here today for my wife.”

“I can imagine this hasn’t been an easy scenario for either of you. Please, have a seat.”

Dane pulled out a chair for me at her small conference table.

Macy told us, “We received a very generous donation this week, from your new foundation.”

My brows rose. “Already?” Mr. Conaway certainly knew what he was doing. The man was quite the miracle worker.

“Yes,” Macy confirmed. “Enough to bring in one more specialist for Chelsea so she has round-the-clock care, and all of her bills are covered for the next two years.”

Dane shot me a curious look.

“Chelsea is autistic and absolutely adorable. So loveable. I’ll tell you all about her later. Tell you why I did this.”

“You don’t have to explain or justify,” he said, a hint of awe in his eyes. “It’s your money to do as you please. And if establishing a foundation to help autistic children is what you want to do, I’m one-hundred percent behind you. Proud of you, actually.”

“Thank you.” I smiled.

Macy clasped her hands in front of her, resting them on the table. “Her mother, Abby, would really like to see you soon, Ari. She’s so happy to be able to leave her night job and have some breathing room. She’s extremely grateful.”

“I can’t imagine how challenging it must be, financially and emotionally, to have to rely on others to care twenty-four-seven for your child. I’m glad we could help.”

“Chelsea would run away,” Macy said. “If Abby turned her back for even a second, Chelsea bolted for the door. She’d run right out into a busy street. It’s a wonder she was never hurt. And Abby lived in fear every day, every night.”

I shivered. I couldn’t fathom that, either.

“Clearly, Chelsea’s safer here,” I commented. “And seems to be doing so well.”

“Much better. And now maybe Abby can get a little bit of her sanity back. Plus visit Chelsea more often with the freed-up time.”
