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“I’ll be sure to hook up with her soon. For lunch, perhaps.”

“She’d enjoy that.” Macy spread her arms. “Now, I understand you have an ultrasound awaiting you.”

My stomach fluttered. I was thrilled Dane was with me today. “Yes, we do.”

We all stood. Macy and Dane shook hands again and he thanked her profusely once more for all she’d done for me. I gave her a hug and apologized for the secrecy. She didn’t seem to mind. Seemed relieved, in fact, that I was no longer a single mom. Or alone, though she’d never known I was married until now.

Across the hall, we went through the same thing with Dr. Preston. She didn’t quite regroup as fast as Macy, but I got the sense that that had more to do with her shock over my very gorgeous and rich husband. I couldn’t blame her for that, now could I?

She slid me a look with big eyes and I grinned. “I know,” I simply said.

Composing herself, she directed me to the exam table, and I lifted my shirt to reveal an ever-growing belly. Dane positively beamed. Lovingly and with great pride. He appeared to get a kick out of knowing our baby was making his or her presence known.

“Everything looks fantastic,” Dr. Preston said at the conclusion of her exam, though she broke down some details for Dane’s sake, which I appreciated.

He was thoroughly fascinated with the image on the screen. Riveted. As though seeing the baby inside me truly brought home the fact that we were having a child. He was utterly mesmerized.

I laughed softly.

Dr. Preston asked, “Would you like to know the sex?”

Dane tore his gaze from the monitor and stared at me.

“Makes planning easier,” I ventured.

“We’ll need a nursery.”

“Among other things. Many other things.”

His emerald irises glowed with wonderment. He was a beautiful sight. My heart nearly burst with love.

“I think I’d like to know,” he said.

I smiled. “I think so, too.”

“Okay, then,” Dr. Preston announced gleefully. “Congratulations, you’re having a bouncing baby boy.”

My stomach flipped. Tears sprang to my eyes.

An heir. Our firstborn would be a son.

“That’s perfect.” I stared up at Dane. “So very perfect.”

He reached for my hand, brought it to his lips, and tenderly kissed my fingers. Then he splayed my palm over his heart and said, “You’re perfect. And I love you so very much.”

chapter 21

My bliss was short-lived.

Later in the afternoon, I met FBI agents Daugherty and Strauss. They came for Dane.

I fought back the anxiety and the angst. He’d done so much already. I was pissed that they wanted—needed—more from him. Even as I thought of the hard drive in a safe-deposit box in a Swiss bank, I resisted the urge to say he’d given them all that he could and it was their job to do the rest.

I resisted the urge to beg him to stay.

Especially when they said it was too dangerous for him to return here until this was finally put to rest.

“What does that mean?” I asked Dane.
