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“Shake it off,” he whispered. “You’re much too tense.”

“Right.” I tried to relax, loosen my bunched shoulders.

He carefully maneuvered me through the grove and the light underbrush to the patio. Elegant, lively music played. Rosa graciously kept champagne in everyone’s glasses and food in their hands. I thanked her profusely.

She said in her thick Hispanic accent, “I am so happy for you, chica. And you are so very beautiful.”

“Shall I take photos?” Tamera offered.

Dane and I exchanged a look. Neither of us was the sort to collect pictures. Pretty much a result of our broken-home upbringings and long-suffering loner existences. But tonight the idea was an appealing one.

“I’d like that,” I said to him. “If you’re okay with it.”

“Just a few,” he told Tamera as he handed over his phone. “They stay with us.”

Dane had a thing about photos or information featuring him hitting the Internet. Part of the secret-society security he’d adopted.

We all posed together and then Rosa took one that included Tamera. The others were just of me and Dane, and I was sure I wore a love-struck expression.

My dad kissed my cheek and congratulated me again. Ethan followed suit.

Kyle said, “Only you could pull all of this off in one day.”

“Dane handled the reception.”

I wasn’t surprised he’d added tons of candles to the gas lanterns and heaters we kept out back. He could be very romantic. Rosa and Tamera disappeared for a few moments, then brought the floral arrangements from the altar to the dinner setting. We enjoyed more bubbly until Rosa announced the first course was ready.

My best guess was that Chef D’Angelo had prepped everything at the Lux, finished it here, then slipped out, since Dane didn’t want even him to know about the wedding.

The chilled salads came out minutes later. Then the creamiest lobster bisque I’d ever tasted, with a huge chunk of succulent meat in the center and a sherry crème fraîche drizzle. It was a wonder my eyes didn’t roll into the back of my head.

Our main course was Filet Oscar, accented with more decadent, buttery lobster and crab and paired with grilled asparagus.

There was no wedding cake. How could there be, really? This was sort of the wedding that never happened.

A tinge of disappointment crept in on me, but the trio of berry-topped, café au lait, and chocolate crème brûlée was sinfully delicious.

“That was Chef all the way, wasn’t it?” Kyle asked as he unbuttoned his jacket, as though needing a little extra room. Not that the calories wouldn’t dissolve in a heartbeat. Kyle was nothing short of studly, and I caught Tamera shooting glances his way. I bit back a smile.

“Poor guy,” I said of Chef D’Angelo. “Dane made him work on his day off.”

With a hearty laugh—I suspected the cocktails had mellowed Kyle out as much as the sinfully delicious dinner—he commented, “You know he loved it. I heard his family isn’t allowed in his kitchen at home. If he hasn’t prepped meals between his work shifts, they have to order in or dine out.”

“That’s probably a good rule. I’d need some salads or just plain vegetable broth to counter the decadence or I’d be the size of this house. He literally has hands that work culinary magic.”

“And you really think he doesn’t have a clue about why he whipped up dinner for eight tonight?”

I shrugged. “It’s a holiday weekend. He dealt with Rosa, not Dane. He doesn’t even know I live here. Probably just thought Dane had family or friends coming over.”

“True. Still…” He leaned in and whispered, “Doesn’t it suck that you can’t tell anyone?”

I smirked good-naturedly. “You can’t spoil this for me. It’s done, Kyle.”

The fact that I was now of billionaire status myself, however, was still unsettling. Made me a little queasy, truth be told. But I didn’t mention that to my cynical friend.

“I realize it’s not ideal,” I conceded, “but not everything that’s meant to be comes about in a neat and tidy package with a bow on top. Maybe having to work a bit harder at bringing it all together is what makes it so much more worthwhile.”

He regarded me a few moments while everyone else was engaged in animated conversation. I knew my new husband had one eye on us. But Kyle wasn’t attempting to make any sort of move on me. He had something else in mind.
