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“Does it keep him up at night?” he quietly challenged. “Knowing what happened to you? What could happen to you?”

I sighed. “You can’t

even begin to imagine how anything that happens to me, no matter how minor, tears him up. I know the side you see of him is territorial and, yes, he’s had flashes of a violent temper. Never directed at me. He’s protective, Kyle. Just like you are.”

“Only with me, there wouldn’t be anything out of the ordinary to protect you from. With him … it seems like every shadow holds a threat.”

It did. But I couldn’t tell Kyle that. What purpose would it serve but to solidify in his mind I’d made the wrong choice—and to worry him more?

Trying to lighten the mood, I suggested, “Why don’t you ask Tamera to dance? It’s a wedding, after all. Didn’t you once declare them to be the perfect places to meet new women?”

He grinned. “I’d rather dance with you and piss your husband off.”

“I think that unwise, my friend.”

“Fine.” He sipped more champagne, draining the glass. Then he set it aside and shoved back his chair. “I’m only doing this to make you jealous,” he whispered in my ear.

I laughed softly. “I’ll try to keep from ripping her hair out.”

He shot a wry look my way, then rounded the table and interrupted the conversation to offer Tamera his hand for a dance.

They looked quite striking together. Though as Tamera stared up at Kyle, appearing a bit awestruck by his handsome face and hulking build, he shot a glimpse my way, over the top of her blonde head.

I cringed and diverted my gaze. He needed to accept the reality of the situation. Move on from it … from me.

I slid a glance toward Dane, who lifted his flute, as though to say, Well played.

It helped to cut some of the tension.

As eleven o’clock approached, the party wound down. When Dane and I were alone on the patio—which Rosa had cleaned, though she’d left all the decorations as is—my new husband took me into his arms and held me tight as we swayed to a sexy jazz tune.

“You always leave me momentarily speechless when I look at you,” he murmured. “But tonight, as soon as you came into the clearing … Jesus, Ari. I couldn’t see or think of anything but you.”

“I felt the same.” Tugging on the end of his bow tie made it unravel. I worked the first three buttons of his shirt, brushing my fingertips over his warm skin. I inhaled deeply, drawing in that unique, scintillating scent of his.

It’d been pure torture wanting to be alone and naked with him all evening but also enjoying the others’ company and not minding that we’d had a long dinner with everyone. But this was truly what I longed for—to be wrapped in his embrace, our bodies melded together.

I said, “You got a little crazy with the bracelet.”

He lifted my hand from his chest and swept his lips over my fingers. “Not at all. I wanted you to have something extraordinary. But I will buy you a ring,” he assured me with conviction in his eyes. “When the time’s right.”

Meaning when the danger had passed.

So as much as Dane wanted to contend there was a silent truce with the ousted Lux owners, he clearly wasn’t certain we were out of the woods.

He flattened my palm against his pecs again and covered my hand with his. “I know this is all a bit overwhelming.” His lips grazed my temple as he spoke. “But you’re handling it beautifully.”

“All I wanted was you. Everything else … the diamonds, the money … that’s just not my thing, and—”

He kissed me. Likely to shut me up. I didn’t mind.

His tongue slipped inside, gliding over mine. I eased the remaining buttons on his shirt through their holes and, in between his teasing kisses, said, “We’re wearing entirely too many clothes.”

chapter 6

Dane swept me into his arms and carried me through the patio doors and the great room, down the long hallway, and into our bedroom.

He set me on my feet and said, “I’ll never forget how you look tonight.” His gaze slid over me, slowly, appreciatively. “You’re absolutely gorgeous. Heart-stopping.”
