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“Oh, for fuck’s sake.” Wineglass in hand, Bayli paced her tiny living room.

“Come on … joking.” Jewel laughed softly. “But you have to remember that Rogen and I were having sex from the time we were sixteen. Then Vin and I got together when I was eighteen, and let me just say … he’d been dating an older woman—a twenty-eight-year-old divorcée—so he had plenty of experience under his belt. I learned fairly young.”

“But you couldn’t have known everything.”

“No. But what I didn’t know they taught me. And that, my friend, is the absolute best way to learn new tricks.”

“Great. That’s oh so helpful. Thanks.”

Jewel stood. She clasped Bayli’s shoulders and said, “Whatever you’re stressing over, don’t. These two gorgeous and prominent men seem very into you, Bay. They’ve done this before, so let them lead. They’ll ease your mind. All they’ll want is for you to enjoy yourself. That means doing whatever they can to acclimate you and make you comfortable.”

“Acclimate me. Sounds like a science project.”

“To you, sure. Stop thinking scientifically or metaphysically or any other kind of ‘ically.’ Just give yourself to them, Bayli. I swear to God, men who thrive on this type of sexual relationship have a certain level of understanding when it comes to making a woman climax that other guys just don’t get. It’s worth whatever fretting you’re doing right now. But in the end, you’ll realize you wigged for no good reason, because they’re going to get you through this. They’re going to take care of you. And you of all people deserve that, my friend.” She kissed Bayli on the cheek.

“You’re going to make me cry,” Bayli said around a sniffle. “And for God’s sake, I’ve done enough of that already this week. I’m like some hormonal teenager trying to figure out what the hell I’m going to do if no one asks me to the prom.”

“Three guys asked you to the prom, silly.”

“And I told Billy Geyser that I’d go with him.”

“Ah, yes. Captain of the football team. God, he was good looking. What a frame-worthy photo that would have made.”

“Except that I ended up in ICU with my mom an hour before he was supposed to pick me up for dinner.”

“That totally sucked.” Jewel sighed. “On the plus side, that particular emergency surgery was hugely helpful for your mother. A success.”

“Her last one, but yes. That was the biggie that made it possible for me to go to college for a couple of years, because she had an excellent recovery. For a while.”

“I’m sorry you missed prom.” Jewel gave her a quick squeeze. Then said, “But I know the extra time with your mom was infinitely more important.”

Bayli choked down the emotion in her throat. She didn’t want to get all weepy yet again.

Luckily, Jewel knew her well enough not to let her dwell or mire. She cheerfully said, “I guess all of this is just excellent timing on my part.”

“What are you talking about?” Bayli asked.

“Well…” Turning to the kitchen counter, Jewel said, “I sort of lied when I said I was on my way to London and that I carted around this big box because I didn’t trust my driver with it while he’s looking for a place to park and wait for me.” Her manicured hand swept over the large white package with the silver bow on top.

“Jewel…” Bayli eyed her friend speculatively. “What have you done?”

“Nothing that will have you scolding me, I promise.” She held her hands up in surrender for good measure. “It’s just that you told me about this dinner date with your two men tomorrow night and how it could be the start of your new business venture with them, but that it could also be the start of something so much more…” She waggled a brow. “And I thought you needed a lucky dress to bring it all together. My lucky dress.”

“Your lucky—”

“Yep! Dress.” Jewel lifted the lid and peeled back the glittery tissue.

Bayli leaned in and gasped. “Oh, you did not!”

“But I did!” Jewel carefully extracted the garment, a stunning, shimmery silver ruched strapless mini. “I wore this when Rogen, Vin, and I signed the papers on the land for the new inn and winery. I’m not saying it’s been nothing but sunshine and roses since that day—there’s a shitload of construction underway with tons of mishaps—but it’s been pretty damn close. Close enough for me, anyway.”

“Aw, Jewel.” Bayli gave her a huge hug. “I am so proud of you for taking on your parents—and Rogen’s—in order to secure that property and do something with it that means so much to you both. And to Vin.”

“To all of us,” Jewel said with a tinge of emotion. “It was the catalyst that brought our families back together. And Bayli,” she said as she pulled slightly away. “I know a pretty dress can’t make you feel any better about your mom, but damn it, she’ll light up all of heaven with her smile when she sees you in it.”

“Jewel.” Tears flooded Bayli’s eyes. She hugged her friend again. “You’re supposed to be talking raunchy about my two men. Not making me cry.”

“A little crying helps sometimes, Bay. Best to let it out rather than keep it bottled up.”
