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Things were progressing nicely.

Bayli’s name had leaked to the public and entertainment channels and bloggers before the official press releases had even been approved, and her Japanese stalker had returned, sending e-mails to her new address. She made another change but decided that was her last. She wanted to be able to hear from fans … if she ever got some who didn’t call her a whore or a flash in the pan.

Rory had one seriously loyal following, she’d discovered, and it seemed a lot of those women thought of him as theirs.

This wasn’t a news flash for Bayli. And it didn’t undermine her confidence or throw her for a loop. It was to be expected, really. She was cutting in on their turf, these devotees who e-mailed Rory regularly, blogged, tweeted, and posted Facebook messages about and to him. It was only natural they’d be nonplussed to have Bayli suddenly appear on the scene.

Likely it wouldn’t have been such a big deal if the trio had just launched the cooking show with no up-front drama. But with her and Rory’s kiss going viral, feathers had been ruffled.

Bayli spent a lot of mental energy trying to figure how to mitigate the damage done. Meanwhile, she also studied up on locales Rory discarded because he felt they held no potential. Mostly, he was moody because he was in chef mode, thinking a million steps ahead to what he might prepare on the show. So she dug deeper when he got sidetracked or just plain frustrated.

Christian, she discovered, was about as unflappable as one could ever be, nimbly hurdling every obstacle that came their way. She admired his professionalism, his intelligence, his dry wit. Sometimes, she couldn’t even tell he was jesting. Until she caught the sparkle in his ice-blue eyes. Then her stomach would flip and she’d let out an unchecked laugh, even as he tried to remain serious.

Despite the stoicism he sometimes demonstrated, she could see he got a kick out of her vivaciousness. So she didn’t temper it, even when he was in serious business mode.

The same went for Rory. Because the more she didn’t cave to his angsty side, the flirtier he got. And that was downright lethal to a girl’s heart.

Honestly, both men had her wrapped up in a decadent bliss that created double the exhilaration, double the desire, double the emotions blooming within her. She couldn’t say which man entertained her, thrilled her, pleased her more. They were equals in every way, especially where she was concerned. And Bayli was surprised to find she not only more than held their interest, but she seemed to bring out different sides to each of them also.

Bayli paid close attention to the emerging personalities. The protectiveness. The tenderness. The intensity. Christian and Rory not only worked together to take Bayli to all-new heights of sexual ecstasy, but they also were both in tune emotionally with each other and her. It was uncanny. And so damn alluring.

The reason she studied them so closely as they all interacted was because Bayli felt a gnawing deep within her that hinted at the need to be just as forthcoming and evolving in this nontraditional relationship as the guys were. But there was always something holding her back. She wanted to dissect herself and fix her glitch in the system. Yet all she had time to fully concentrate on was the speeding train that was her career and new life.…

* * *

“What’s all this?” Rory asked on a rainy weekend. He stared over Bayli’s shoulder as she slid a silver-plated letter opener under the flap of an envelope. She was sitting on a high-backed upholstered barstool at the kitchen island, where he usually found her in the morning, waiting for him.

Rory’s latest fetish was breakfast with a creole flair. He was thinking the first few stops for the webcasts should be in the Deep South. New Orleans and Kentucky were both on his short list for future restaurants, and this might make a great immersion into the local flavor.

Bayli said, “I haven’t had time to stop by my apartment in a while. I just grabbed all my mail in one fell swoop yesterday afternoon. I’ve basically been living here.”

“Well, don’t think for a second that Christian minds.”

As Rory leaned in, she kissed him, then said, “You’ve basically been living here, too.”

“That’s because I know he can’t satisfy you the way I can, so I’m here as backup.” He winked.

“I’ll be sure and let him know you said so.”

Rory chuckled. He rounded the island and reached for a frying pan from the overhead rack.

Bayli’s new iPhone—a “signing bonus” from Rory and Christian—buzzed. She eyed the screen and yelped, “Holy shit! I have to take this! I think Scarlet has finally trapped her elusive wolf!”

Rory’s brow knitted. “Do I even want to know what that means?”

“She’s tracking a potential art thief. I’ll tell you about it later.” She slipped off the stool. “Back in ten!” She headed out to the terrace.

Rory whistled under his breath. “She’s a zany one.”

“Who?” Christian asked as he came from his study, stuffing his phone in his pocket. His gaze darted around the room, not seeing any signs of Bayli so clearly wondering to whom Rory referred.

Rory jested back, “Our Beauty, Beastly.”

“Oh, yeah, right. I’m the beast.”

Rory snorted. “Just because I have a temper I’m the beast?”

“If the roar fits…”
