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Twice as hard.


Scarlet was stretched out on the bed as Michael and Sam cared for her, unbinding her wrists, taking turns kissing her, stroking her skin.

She had yet to open her eyes. There was something enthralling about distinguishing between the way Michael smelled versus Sam. The way they tasted. The way they touched her. Even the difference in the sexy growls they made was exciting.

Michael was clearly more aggressive in nature. Sam was a bit more sensitive. Both were phenomenal at selflessly giving pleasure.

How they’d learned to do it together, how many women besides Misty Ferrera and Pembroke Peterson they’d practiced on, didn’t matter to Scarlet. First, that was a part of their past. Second, Scarlet was reaping the benefits.

The more interesting thing about this particular expertise Michael and Sam possessed was that there was no competition between the two men to be better than each other when they were satisfying a woman—because what they did in tandem elevated their personal game. Scarlet hadn’t just experienced that; she’d also felt it. They’d wanted to make her lose it for them. For both of them. That was where their focus had been. On her. Not proving who was more masterful at what. They worked together and the end result deserved equal praise.

Which brought up another tidbit. Scarlet had always been a little perplexed over Jewel’s and Bayli’s declarations that their feelings for their men were equally strong. When it came to Rogen and Vin, Jewel didn’t love one more than the other. The same applied with Christian and Rory for Bayli.

Now, however, Scarlet had a clearer understanding of that undivided affection. Because Michael had qualities that appealed to Scarlet. So, too, did Sam. And perhaps due to their inherent ability to fall into sync with each other when it came to her that intensified the emotions and admiration. Scarlet cherished them both. Not one over the other.

She smiled when Sam kissed her, and she muttered, “Even after endless fantasizing and quizzing my girlfriends, words cannot describe how incredible it is to be with you both.”

Michael’s lips brushed over her stomach. Her flesh quivered. He nipped at the rim of her belly button and she gasped.

Sam said, “I thought Michael and I were past this, because we weren’t meeting a woman we both wanted … let alone one we’d both want for more than a night.”

Her lids fluttered open and she gazed at Sam. “You think you’re going to want me again? After tonight? After you’ve explored every inch of my body?”

He grinned. “There’s a laundry list of things I want to do to you. It’ll take quite some time to get through it.”

She tore her gaze from him and stared at Michael. “And you? Bored with me already?”

He bit her again, jolting her in that enticing way she was now addicted to. “Not even close.”

“Thank God.”

Sam asked, “How are you feeling?”

With a coy smile, she said, “Wondering if you wore me out?”

“Just checking to see if you need a break. A cocktail. Anything.”

“Just the two of you.” She rolled onto her side to face Sam and kissed him.

Michael stretched out behind her.

Scarlet’s hand skated over Sam’s chiseled pecs, down his abs to his cock. Her fingers coiled around the shaft and stroked him slowly.

Michael’s lips and tongue glided up her spine, making her tremble from the sensual touch.

When he reached her nape he brushed away her curls and kissed her flushed skin. Bit lightly.

She broke her kiss with Sam and a throaty moan tumbled from her lips.

Michael whispered in her ear, “I’m going to fuck your ass. Can you take Sam in your pussy at the same time?”

“We’ll be careful,” Sam was quick to assure her.

“I trust you. Both of you. And you know what you’re doing.”

“I just need you to not tense up too much,” Michael instructed her. “I don’t want to hurt you. This isn’t about pain. It’s about the pleasure that we can all give each other. The pleasure we want to give you.”
