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D.T.’s anger sparked again and he all but dumped her out of his lap.

“What the hell!” She found her footing quickly on her high heels. But he’d clearly surprised her with his sudden rebuff.

Standing to his full six-foot-five-inch height—effectively towering over—he snatched up the small, silver remote on the corner of his desk and then thrust his hand out to her. “Hover control. Gold’s in my bedroom. Go get it and take it with you. I’ll stay right here. I won’t interfere.”

She eyed him curiously. Again with doubt. “You’re giving it to me that easily?”

“No.” He shook his head. “There’s nothing easy about this. I stole that gold for a reason.”

Her green eyes narrowed on him. “Why do you need it? What could be more important than using it to help the Protective Forces fight the war in our galaxy? You’re an Earthling, too, D.T. What could be more important than helping to save our planet? Our people? Our galaxy?”

D.T.’s jaw tightened for a moment. “I stole it to lure you here.”

She crossed her arms over her chest and he wasn’t sure if it was a defensive move or a means to cover herself. Either way, it effectively broke what was surely a heated look on his face. Disappointment oozed through him, making him scowl.

“You really can believe me, Ellie,” he finally said, sincerity in his voice.

And for whatever reason, she faltered. Her mouth gaped open. She stared at him a moment, and he could see in her eyes that she really, truly wanted to believe that he was offering her the treasure with no strings attached.

D.T. needed her to accept it. Now. Before he said anything else. Before he gave in to his need to touch her. He didn’t want his desire for her to be misconstrued in any way.

Settle the business first. Then get down to the pleasure.

That way, she’d know his true intentions. Those intentions might not be wholly noble—because, hot hell, did he want her! But they were honest.

Tentatively reaching out a hand, she took t

he remote from him. She stared at it a moment, confusion on her pretty face. Then her eyes lifted to meet his.

“I just don’t get you.” She almost sounded sad. “I mean, you purposely push my buttons. Then you do something nice. And when that’s not happening, you….” She shook her head and let out a long sigh as pink patches stained her porcelain cheeks.

D.T. took a step forward, closing the gap between them. His gaze locked with hers. “I make you hotter than Earth’s sun?”

Gizelle sucked in a deep, sharp breath. Held it for a moment. Then let it out slowly. Shaking her head, she said, “Worse than that, actually.”

D.T.’s brow jerked upward and he knew his look was a lascivious one. “Is that really such a bad thing?”


Trey stepped back into the shadows cast by the four moons, their golden streams of reflected light shimmering brilliantly across the smooth water that lapped against the shore outside D.T.’s dwelling. The constantly shifting emotions between Gizelle and D.T. had made Trey teeter between stepping in to get the seduction moving in the right direction and railing at them both for being two of the most obstinate, misguided people he’d ever met. They denied everything about each other that drew them together in the first place. Their determination, their steel-resolve, their need to be a part of something bigger than themselves. The need to help their people and serve a higher cause in whatever capacity possible.

Couldn’t they see how similar they were? Divided because they’d taken different paths, but still connected on so many levels.

As Trey watched D.T. brush his fingers over Gizelle’s cheek, he hoped—willed, actually—that they would call a truce for the evening. D.T. was giving her the gold. Trey had heard the entire exchange. And he understood now why D.T. had swiped it in the first place, just minutes before she was about to recover it. It didn’t take a space shuttle scientist to figure that one out.

But there was more to D.T.’s motives than he’d let on. Trey could sense it. Did Gizelle realize she wasn’t the seductress this evening? Clearly, D.T. was letting her think she was, but as he stepped toward her and pressed his body to hers, Trey got the distinct impression D.T. was moving in for the kill.

He had more in mind than just handing over gold.

Trey settled in, making himself comfortable as he perched atop a tall rock along the shore within full eyesight of D.T.’s dwelling. The wall facing Trey was all glass. He wouldn’t miss a thing. And if this rocky romance took a wrong turn, Trey would be there to put it back on track.

“Whatever it takes,” he muttered, borrowing Gizelle’s words.

And the tattoo around his bicep glowed brightly in the dark night.

Chapter Three

“I told you I didn’t intend to steal the bounty from you,” D.T. said when she remained silent. And damn it, the look in his dark eyes made Gizelle almost believe him. “It was just a means to an end.”
