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“Huh? So you didn’t use me and my naivety to orchestrate Ray’s downfall? Is that what you’re trying to convince me of right now? I’m supposed to believe that when you’ve had me under surveillance, and-”

“I started watching you, yeah. Surveillance in my apartment. Started the week I was here while you were there alone. And after he brought a gun to my club it helped me know I could use it to keep you safe. At home and at your job. That night the punk drug dealer hit all my clubs and caused mayhem? The only thing that kept me sane was being able to look in and see you were safe and sleepin’ in my bed.”

“Right,” she drawls. “And it just so happened to be convenient that you could also make recordings of us in that bed, right?”

“Serious. You’re my priority and yeah, I did some spying to see if you were who I thought you were. At first, yeah. Only a short time into watching you, I knew I was falling for you and that you were good, decent. I only kept the surveillance going to keep you safe. To put my mind at ease.”

She scoffs. She doesn’t believe a word out of my mouth.

“Stop,” she snaps. “Stop lying. I’ve heard enough lies to last two lifetimes.”

“I’m not lying. I’ve been distrustful by nature because of the way I grew up, because of things I’ve had to deal with, but I trust you. It took no time for me to be able to trust you completely.”

“Right. And because you kept asking me to trust you, I did. And that was stupid of me, wasn’t it? Because you’ve trusted me so much that you’ve lied to my face nearly every single day.”


“Because you’ve been so honest to me so I should believe you here and now. Right?”

“Try to understand…”

“I’m sick to my stomach right now, Killian. It feels like it’s all a lie. All of it. Like you’re playing me and all you’ve cared about all along is ruining him. Well, the joke is on me, I guess. And him. Because he’s certainly paying for his arrogance, isn’t he?”

“Swear to you, I love you. I love you more every day. I need you to believe me.”

“I… I need to think.” She heads for the door, pulling her keys out of her pocket.

I quickly block her. “Hey. No. Don’t drive when you’re upset like this.” I take the keys from her and stuff them into my own pocket.

She looks at me with anger etched into her beautiful face. And I fucking hate this. I hate it so much.

“Give me my keys back.” She holds her hand out.

“Not right now. I don’t want you driving while you’re upset. That’s too dangerous.”

She spins away from me, storms up the stairs, and slams the door.

I sit down on the couch and put my head into my hands, blowing out a long breath.

I want to put my fist through a wall. That’s not going to serve a thing.

I give it ten minutes and then I head up the stairs and into the bedroom.

She’s on her phone. My blood runs cold.

“Who the fuck are you talking to?” I demand.

She throws her phone across the room and shouts as it clatters to the floor, “I was checking my voicemail. Did you think I was calling the cops on you? For kidnapping and torture, and… whatever else you’ve done? Driving right now is dangerous? Maybe being here is dangerous.”

I climb onto the bed and pull her to me. She pushes my chest.

“Let me go!”

“Violet, baby, calm down.”

“What are you gonna do with him?”

“Do with him?”


I blow out a breath.

“Keep torturing him? Feeding him dog food? Until what? Until you decide you’re done?”

I shrug. “That was the plan.”

“I’m gonna puke.” She wrenches away from me and rushes for the bathroom.



When I come out of the bathroom after having hurled the bagel I scarfed down this morning on the way here, he’s sitting on the bed, looking like he’s trying to assess me. Do I see remorse? Maybe just regret that I found out. I don’t know that he even loves me. I don’t know anything, except that I’m absolutely, completely wrecked. And that he’s a really convincing liar.

“What are you gonna do to him? To me?”

“You?” He frowns.

I wait.

“I’m gonna be your husband. I’m gonna live my life with you.” He looks confused.

He can’t be surprised I would ask this.

“Until I do something that makes you wanna lock me down there in that basement?”

He jolts. “Whoa. Hold the fuck up.” His back has gone perfectly straight and he’s looking at me with alarm and then spits out his next words, “That’s un-fucking-thinkable.”

“Oh, is it?”

“I’m not the white knight, Violet. Not even close. But not in a million years do you need to fear me. Ever.”
