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nbsp; “You are perfect.” He fought his way into the crook of her neck, because Megan wouldn’t give up control easily. If at all.

He pressed his thigh into her warm, wet core as he nuzzled the sensitive spot where her shoulder met her neck. How was it possible she smelled like a warm spring day on a cold dark night? She widened her stance and pressed herself against his thigh. His muscles flexed. Her backside wriggled against his erection making him groan. His hands squeezed between Megan and the glass to cup her breasts. They overflowed his grasp as he warmed the chill left behind by the window.

No longer able to resist, he bit her shoulder muscle, then soothed the mark with his tongue. She groaned and writhed against him, making it clear that she was letting him play. For now.

Reluctantly he released her. “Done sharing, Buffy.” He reached out and pulled the curtains closed in front of her. He was more than happy to indulge her exhibitionist side—another time.

He turned her in his arms, wrapping her tight against him as he opened his mouth over hers. Luscious. Delicious. His arm clamped around her waist, keeping her in place as his other hand cradled the curve of her backside. Fingers tugged at his hair as she angled his mouth to suit herself. The sensation of her tongue against his drove away the last of his anger. All that was left was need. Need for this woman who had turned his world upside down. The woman who was fast becoming an addiction for him. His woman.

She twisted fast, out of his grasp. Dimitri spun, taking a step towards her, but she held up a hand to stop him as she backed up to the bed.

“I’m getting into bed now. If you want to join me, you’d better get naked.” She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. “Give me a show.”

He grinned, delighted at playing with her. “What do I get for making the effort to entertain you?”

She turned to climb on the bed and he almost crumpled to the floor. Knowing full well the effect the sight of her crawling onto the bed would have on him, the vixen looked over her shoulder at him.

“You get me.”

As he pulled his tee over his head, the sound that came out of his mouth was barely human. And the witch threw back her head and laughed.

Oh the wicked, wicked things she wanted to do with Dimitri. Megan’s mind was full to overflowing with them. She hadn’t had many boyfriends and only a couple of serious ones. Ones she’d let into her bed. But it hadn’t gone well—she tended to scare them away. Whereas Dimitri seemed to delight in her wild side. It was a gift. One she didn’t plan to squander.

His T-shirt hit the floor, but Megan’s eyes were on the dusting of dark hair that highlighted his mouth-watering pecs. She lingered over the gentle definition of his abs, imagining how they would taste when she got her tongue on him.

He groaned. “That look in your eyes. It’s enough to make a man lose his mind.”

She smiled at him. “Who’s stopping you?”

Dark, heated gaze. His fingers sped up as he unfastened the button fly on his jeans. Megan licked her lips. He’d gone commando. “The commando commando,” she muttered, her eyes firmly on the prize.

He barked out a laugh. “You aren’t entirely sane, are you?”

“Nope.” She hooked a finger at him. “Come here.”

His jeans, boots, socks disappeared in record time and he stalked towards her, strong muscled thighs flexing with easy grace.

“Wait.” She held up her hand.

“What?” Her heart melted a little as he did what he was told, stopping mid-stride to stand before her. “You okay?”

And just like that it melted entirely. She was a puddle on the bed. Megan didn’t want to think about what that meant. Later, she promised herself, later.

She made a circular motion with her hand. “Turn. Let me see all of it.” She batted her lashes at him as she fought back a laugh. This was fun. So much fun. “You saw all of me, it’s only fair that I get to see all of you.”

Grinning, he did as he was told. Le sigh. The man was a masterpiece. She couldn’t decide what she wanted to take a bite out of first—his strong wide shoulders, or that tight hot backside of his. Acting on instinct, she sprang to her knees and wrapped her arms around him. Her hands splayed on his stomach as she delighted in the tactile sensation of all that muscle against her breasts. Her teeth sank into his shoulder and she actually felt dizzy at the taste of him.

“Hey! No biting.”

She bit him again as she wrapped her fist around his hard length. Satin smooth and deliciously solid.

He shivered under her touch. “Okay, maybe a little biting.”

Megan chuckled against his skin as she slid her hand up and down his length, learning him. He tolerated it far longer than she thought he would before his hand clasped her wrist.

“You keep that up and I’m going to blow.”
