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“And what if I want you to blow?”

“You don’t always get what you want.” He spun on her and she squealed as she suddenly found herself lying on her back.

Dimitri lay on his side, pressed along the length of her. One arm curved above her head, his fingers playing with her hair, the other smoothing down the curve of her stomach to the flare of her hip.

His dark eyes studied her, equal parts heat and amusement. The perfect combination.

“Kiss me.” She ran the nails of her left hand down his back. Scratching hard.

“Where?” the devil demanded.

Her right hand reached for his cock, prepared to make him break the control he seemed to value.

“Nuh, uh.” He shifted fast, grasping both of her hands and stretching her arms over her head. He held both her wrists in one huge hand, immobilising her.

“Not fair.” She pouted as she tested his hold. It was steel.

“Quiet. You’re disturbing my concentration.” His head bent and he sucked one of her nipples into his mouth.

“Yes!” She arched off the bed.

She felt his smile against her breast before he proceeded to drive her insane with his tongue and teeth. When she started to see stars, she fought back. There was no way she’d lose her mind alone. Swinging her leg over his hip, she put all of her strength into flipping him. He landed on his back with an oomph. Megan straddled his stomach, trailing her nails down his chest.

“My turn.”

Strong hands reached for her breasts—she batted them away. “My turn.”

Deep laughter rumbled from his chest and straight through her body. “How about we both take turns together?”

“No.” The feeling of warm skin and firm muscle that rippled and tensed under her fingertips needed her full attention. “You distract me and I need to concentrate.”

He laughed harder at having his words thrown back at him. Megan bent forward and ran her tongue around one of those tiny hard nipples, over his pecs and up to his neck. She sucked, and bit and licked. Dimitri’s huge hands grasped her hips, holding tight enough to leave bruises. It was delicious. Megan pressed up from his chest to look at her handiwork.

“That’s going to leave a mark.” It was a proud declaration.

In reply, he tightened his grip on her hips. And then she was flying. Up his body to sit astride his wicked, wicked mouth.

“Hold on tight, Buff.” The words were a sensual purr against her most private of places. “I’m going to blow your mind.”

Holding the polished wooden headboard, she looked down at the man. “Unlike you, Soldier Boy, I don’t think with that part of my anatomy.”

He barked out a laugh, making her wonder if she wasn’t the only crazy person in the room. Then his tongue swiped all thought away. Megan’s fingers curled into the warm wood, her head fell back and she lost herself in his touch. Dimitri’s hands clenched on her backside, pulling her closer to him. Muscles tightened. Tingles ran up from her feet to her back. Breathing became a series of desperate gasps.

“Oh, yes, yes…”

Dimitri rumbled against her most sensitive spot and her body froze. A second, suspended on a precipice. Then it snapped and she was flying, with only his hold to keep her tethered. By the time she’d floated back down, she found herself lying back on the bed. Dimitri was cradled between her thighs, supporting his weight with a hand either side of her head.

“Ready?” He cocked an eyebrow at her.

“I’ll deal with your attitude when I can breathe again.” It wasn’t a lie—her words were delivered on gasps.

“Good to know.” He took her mouth in a punishing kiss, releasing her just as fast as he’d taken her.

She barely had time to fill her lungs again before he surged into her.

“Yes!” Megan screamed as she wrapped her legs around his hips.

Dimitri’s head went back. The tendons in his neck flexed. A gasp. A shiver. His length flexed within her. Her fingers danced over tense shoulder muscles, then up to tighten in his silky hair. When she tugged his face down to hers, his gaze was feral. A man barely in control. And it was perfect. Megan didn’t want control. She wanted all of him, raw and strong and limitless.
