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Jagger felt his throat tighten as he asked, “Who?”

Jaxon paused and the pain in his eyes was beyond words. “Julian, Cormac, Declan, and the tall one with the fucked-up eyes.” Jaxon shook his head. “What the hell did she do? Did she close it? Are they lost to us forever?” he whispered hoarsely.

“They’re gone, but not to the hell realm.” Finn limped toward them, his right leg bleeding profusely. He grimaced. “The portal is not sealed. It’s still out there.”

“How the hell do you know that?” Jaxon asked as he ran his hands through his hair.

“Only one of purity can open it and only an eagle knight can seal it.” Finn nodded toward the still unconscious Skye. “My sister is still here; the portal is not sealed.”

“Well, where the hell are they?” Jagger shouted, his frustration and anger making him hoarse.

Finn looked at him and shook his head. “I don’t know where, or what,” he said softly. “But it can’t be anyplace good.”

Chapter 27

Their plane was wheels up several hours later. It was funny, really, how quickly they’d managed to get out of the jungle. The place he’d called home for the last several months.

Jagger cuddled Skye, tight to his chest, where she’d been ever since he’d grabbed her in the jungle. He studied her face and his thumb traced the soft line of her cheek. She was feverish, still unconscious, and worry ripped at him relentlessly.

“How’s she doing?” Jaxon slid into the seat beside him and Jagger remained tight-lipped as he shrugged his shoulders.

“I don’t know,” he managed, hearing his voice tremble slightly as Jaxon’s warm hand grabbed his shoulder with a reassuring squeeze.

“She’s tough. Hell, what she’s been through … she just needs some time.”

Jagger nodded. “Any word on Julian?” His heart was heavy at the thought of his older brother.

Jaxon sighed and shook his head. “We don’t know anything. I’ve got my contacts on it and Cracker is interrogating a few of our guests, but so far nothing. We get back to PATU, I’ll be able to dig deeper.”

His brother rubbed weary eyes and grimaced. “Cormac is one slippery son-of-a-bitch, but we’ll get him.”

Jagger looked at Ana. The vampire was distraught. She’d curled into a chair and had not said a word since they’d left Belize.

“She gonna be okay?” he murmured, his mouth nuzzling the top of Skye’s head.

“I don’t know. She’s taking Declan’s disappearance hard.”

Jagger leaned his head back and stared out the small round window, not seeing anything as his mind continued to circle.

“I’m taking Skye home with me.” Jagger blew out a ragged breath.

Jaxon looked at him, surprised. “We could use you at headquarters.”

“I need to take her to the cabin, at least for a little while.”

“But she might need a doctor—” “I will go with them.”

Both men looked over at Ana. The vampire’s eyes were bloodshot but they shone fiercely. “I’ll make sure she’s all right.”

Jagger nodded and Ana looked away once more, her chin trembling slightly as she gazed out her window.

Jaxon stared at Jagger for several long seconds and then nodded. “Take all the time you need, but keep in touch. I have a feeling the shit’s gonna hit the fan sooner rather than later, and we’ll need every man we’ve got.”

The ragged group of survivors made it back to the States several hours later. Jaxon left for northern Canada immediately, taking Cracker, Finn, and their “guests,” the few prisoners they’d taken. Their destination was the new headquarters of PATU.

Ana accompanied him back to his cabin. She was very quiet and seemed almost morose. He’d never seen the vampire in such a state.

Jagger sighed heavily. It was a bitch to navigate, the whole love thing.
