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The feel of his lips against hers was like the sweetest sin imaginable. What the hell was she doing? Skye opened her mouth in protest and his tongue immediately plunged inside. To say she was shocked would have been an absolute understatement. She was stunned. Horrified, actually. And that was because the sensations that slid over her body sent shivers spinning out from deep inside, until her flesh broke out in a mess of goose bumps.

She liked the feel of his mouth skating across hers. A lot.

Reality had taken a vacation.

An alien had invaded her body.

Surely that was the reason she had lost control of her faculties. If she were in control, there was no way she would let the jaguar get this close to her. Again.

And man, he was close. His scent was potent, pure, raw and full of power. To make m

atters worse, he tasted even better than he smelled. She fought against the waves of pleasure that sprang to life, and against her will, she felt her insides melt at each pass of his tongue.

For a second, everything faded away, and there was nothing but his hardness, his incredible maleness, and a raw need that clawed at her in a most painful way.

But then, like a slap in the face, reality came crashing through the dense fog that had clouded her judgment, and she fought him, her fingers digging into his forearms in an effort to push him away. She could feel his reluctance and sighed raggedly when his arms left her body and his mouth slowly fell from her lips.

What the hell was wrong with her? Skye knew that she should be running as fast and as hard as she could in the other direction.

Jaguars bad—eagles good; plain and simple, they were her enemy. That’s what she had grown up believing.

It had been her mantra for as long as she could remember. But, there was something about this particular jaguar that gave her pause. And that was rare.

This tall, dark, sexy specimen … what was it about him that changed all of that? She couldn’t explain it, even if she tried. There was an intangible feeling that he could be trusted, and truth be told, it’s not like she had any other options at this point.

The camp had been attacked. Sam was a prisoner, and Finn? A sob caught in her throat as she thought of her brother. She could only hope and pray that Finn had managed to escape unharmed and at this very moment was hidden in the undergrowth—waiting and biding his time.

She took a few more moments to catch her breath and watched him move away, his hands still holding fast to the satchel.

“I believe you have something that belongs to me.”

At her words the jaguar warrior raised an eyebrow and smiled rakishly. “I believe I need a name first.”

She narrowed her eyes, not liking the little game he was playing, but she answered him, the word falling from her lips softly. “Skye.”

“Does Skye have a last name?”

“Knightly.” She reached for the satchel but it was held just beyond her fingertips.

There was no time to waste and if she had to beg, so be it.

“Please, I … I don’t have a lot of time.” She knew she sounded desperate but didn’t care. She watched his green eyes darken as he regarded her in silence, and then he handed the bag over.

She grabbed it quickly to her body. The soft leather felt good against her skin and a plethora of emotion threatened to break free as her fingers clung to the worn satchel.

The man continued to study her with his dark, fathomless eyes. They were unsettling.

His voice when he spoke was low and the timbre that rang through his words was full of strength.

“We need to get going. The jaguars are furious that two DaCostas were killed last night.” He paused. “Guess we’re both responsible for that.”

“We?” she asked softly, not liking where things were headed.

Skye felt the beginnings of panic in the pit of her stomach. It was like a lead ball that stuck hard and fast to her insides, and she felt queasy from the force of it. She tried to quell her anxiety, but her breaths came short and fast and she was beginning to feel light-headed. She closed her eyes and centered herself, reaching deep for a sense of calm.

Now was not the time to fall apart and as the moments ticked by, she welcomed the brave eagle that lay in wait, so very deep inside of her. It was time to meet her fate head-on, and to carry through her mission.

There was so much left for her to do and if she failed … Skye shuddered at the thought, slamming the door shut on the wanderings of her mind. She couldn’t go there. She would not fail.
