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He hiked his satchel as he sized up the best way to climb to the cave.

“Okay, you ready?” he asked Skye, feeling his heart clench as her blue eyes shone out at him. Her mouth was tense and he could sense the fear that lurked just beneath the surface. He couldn’t blame her. Only a fool would approach the end of a mission and not feel fear.

But that was good. Fear could make you strong if used properly.


“Nico said the entire area is protected with wards. Otherworld I’m sure. I’m hoping you’ll know what to do?”

He watched as she swallowed slowly, and ached to run his tongue along the hollow of her neck, easing his way upward until he could claim her lips as his. Her eyes darkened and he smiled gently. She felt it. The physical connection between the two of them.

His groin tightened at the very thought, and images of her in front of him, legs splayed open, assaulted him.

“Our people have certain … protective magicks we’ve used for centuries. I will be able to get us through.”

“Great.” His voice was thick and he sounded drunk. He couldn’t help it. His mind had gone to a place that he needed to stay away from. Even now, he could taste and smell her. His cock twitched painfully as he envisioned her warmth perched above his mouth. Of her hands in his hair as he fed from that secret place between her legs.

“We should go,” he ground out from between gritted teeth.

The sounds of desire that had fallen from her lips had been enough to drive him crazy the other night, but now? They echoed in his mind and were pure torture.

“Are you all right, Jagger?” Skye asked and moved toward him.

“I’m fine. Let’s do this.” His answer was curt, and he exhaled slowly, holding back a groan as she bent over to retrieve her bag.

Something then slid over him and gave him pause, effectively dousing his desire with a cold, hard dose of reality.

It was ancient, black, and invading. Inside, the animal began to growl and Jagger scented the wind, turning his body so that his eyes could scan the immediate area.

The feeling rushed him and then was gone, but the whispered words that flooded his brain brought a snarl to his face.

She’s mine.

The otherworld stink was unmistakable. It belonged to the phantom fucker from down below. Azaiel.

“Jagger? Seriously, you’re starting to act as crazy as Nico.”

He shook his head as his eyes skimmed the top of Skye’s blond head. “I’m good. Let’s go.”

She paused for a second and then started up the trail toward the waterfall with Jagger close behind.

A line had just been drawn. The gauntlet thrown, and he was not backing down. Jagger would not let another touch Skye.

If this Azaiel thought to make a play for his woman he’d find out soon enough that a jaguar warrior would stop at nothing to protect his mate. He smiled viciously as he followed her upward.

Bring it on, asshole, he thought. Bring it on.

They climbed higher, carefully picking their way across the nearly sheer rock face until just over an hour later they approached the waterfall. The mist was cool against his face and Jagger noticed that Skye had lost her tie somewhere along the way. Her long hair blew in the breeze like caramel candy and he longed to grab hold of it, to bury his nose in its softness.

She turned then and caught his heated stare. Jagger felt a sense of satisfaction rush over him as her cheeks deepened with a rosy blush.

“I think the opening is on the other side.”

He nodded and followed her. They slid down into the pool of water that welcomed the rush from hundreds of feet above, and Jagger grabbed her bag, holding it aloft so as to keep the contents safe.

When they made it to the other side, his animal began to make noise once more. Jagger couldn’t be sure if it was the sight of Skye, her clothes wet and pasted to her body like a second skin, that excited the jaguar deep inside, or rather, the heavy weight of magick that blanketed the area.

Whatever it was, he had to force the animal back and concentrate. Skye was breathing hard as well, and as she began to climb up the other side, he searched along the rock face, looking for the opening that would lead to the cave.

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