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She was trying to be so brave. Wanted her father to be proud of her, and yet, all she could think about were the things that would never be. She’d never see the sun rise again, or fly through the fresh morning air.

She felt the pieces of her heart break a little more.

She’d never know the strength of Jagger’s love, or the pleasure of wakin

g beside him each morning. She’d never have a child.

The ache intensified and Skye was ashamed to admit how weak she felt in that moment. She didn’t want her life to end. For Christ sakes, she was only twenty-seven years old! She’d not yet begun to live!

She sniffled and the sound echoed sharply in the cold dampness before fading away to nothing.

She stood still for a long time and then a spark of strength began to burn in her gut until it spread across her body, leaving her trembling. She felt it then. The power of her people. The power that was inside of her, and she knew she would be strong enough to carry through.

Skye inhaled deeply. Even now the jungle was crawling with the dark forces that Cormac had gathered. She thought of the creature that had attacked her only a few nights previous. Already, demons had begun to seep into her world.

Her fingers trailed across her lips. If she closed her eyes, she could still feel Jagger’s kiss. She could still taste and smell him.

It would have to be enough to get her through.

Christ, get over yourself, she thought.

“Just do it,” she said loudly.

She shook out her limbs and squared her shoulders and then plunged forward, her body sliding through the protection ward with ease, although the energy left her skin sizzling. It wasn’t unpleasant and fled as quickly as it had come.

Once she was through, the mist began to swirl ever faster, its touch cool on her flesh. Skye began to shiver as her heated skin reacted, flush with goose bumps. She crossed her arms across her chest, trying for what bit of comfort that she could.

She couldn’t see clearly, and even though the light was bright, everything seemed out of focus. She felt as if her equilibrium was compromised and she stumbled, her head whipping around as she tried to gain her bearings.

It felt like she was outside, no longer protected by the walls of a cave.

The wind picked up and whipped long tendrils of hair about her face. It made an eerie whistle as it flew along the floor, tickling her feet and trailing with it a scent that was frighteningly familiar.

Panic settled deep within her soul as she frantically searched through the film of mist that coated everything in sight. Was Azaiel here in this realm? Or had she left her sanity behind?


Azaiel’s voice whispered through her mind, softly, like a caress, and she shuddered as the heavy weight of him seeped into her brain.

Fear clutched at her sharply and her teeth began to chatter as she continued to try and pierce the wall of mist with her vision.

Where was he?

But more important, where the hell was the portal?

Skye felt nauseous and for a second was afraid she’d faint, but she gritted her teeth and began to pant as she used every ounce of energy she possessed to push the fear away. When it broke and slipped from her she cried out, the sound dampened by the thick air that continued to beat at her.

She took a few tentative steps forward and then stopped.

Skye let go of all thoughts, memories, fears, Jagger—anything that wasn’t connected—and closed her mind to everything but the portal.

Her mind went blank for a few seconds and she tensed to such a degree that her muscles ached. It felt like every inch of her body was being held tightly in a vise, gripped hard and wrung out so thoroughly that nothing but emptiness remained.

But then the warmth of the sun caressed her cheeks, and in her mind she could clearly picture the ancient round disc. It shimmered as if enveloped in a mirage of light, and when Skye opened her eyes the mist had all but vanished, leaving her alone on the top of the mountain.

“What the—”

She turned in a full circle, seeing nothing but a blanket of cloud surrounding the small area where she stood. It felt like she was on top of the world, standing along the edge of the known realm.
