Page 9 of Prince Next Door

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It took me less than the five minutes Hannah needed to get changed and return to the lobby for me to arrange our evening out together. For some reason, I wanted to spoil her. She was different from my usual dalliances, but I couldn’t for the life of me explain why. Maybe it was because she was a blonde, which wasn’t usually my type. Or maybe it was because her voice was so weirdly soothing. Or maybe it was because her floral perfume was dizzying in the most delightful sense of the word. I really honestly just couldn’t tell.

Hannah returned dressed in a pair of tight dark blue skinny jeans and a pink blouse, a small leather purse with a chain strap slung over her shoulder. Her ability to look amazing in any outfit really threw me through a loop. When I first laid eyes on her in her hotel uniform, I never would have imagined she had such a wonderful fashion sense. She looked like a model straight off a runway –classy, sophisticated, and downright sexy.

“Am I underdressed?” she asked sheepishly, tugging at the collar of her blouse to better conceal her cleavage.

I wanted to scream, No, don’t do that! But that would have made me come across way more perverted than I ever wanted to appear. I managed a smile and said, “You look beautiful.” I stuck my elbow out for her to take, and was genuine surprised when she slipped her arm threw mine. We started out through the front entrance of the lobby. Outside, a black stretch limo was waiting for us.

“So, Mister Laurier, where are you taking me this fine evening?”

I winked. “It’s a surprise.”

“See, now I’m a little worried?”


“You can’t tell a girl you just met that you’ve got a surprise planned. How do I know you’re not some serial killer?”

“I mean, you don’t. But I didn’t exactly hear you complaining last night.”

Hannah laughed. “Touché. But that was different. There were witnesses around.”

“As much as I admire your need for self-preservation, I don’t want you to freak yourself out before you’ve even gotten into the car.”

“If you’d just tell me where we’re going, I wouldn’t have to inform you that I have pepper spray in my purse.”

I smirked. “Well, duly noted. Fine. I’m taking you out to dinner.”

“You’ve already said that.”

“I’ve made reservations at a little place called La Royale.”

Hannah stopped to stare at me momentarily, eyes wide in astonishment. “Seriously? That’s like, a five-star restaurant.”


“Only movie stars and royalty ever go there,” she insisted. “I’m so totally underdressed, you liar. How did you even get a reservation? I heard their waiting list is literally months long.”

I threw her another wink and relished the way the tips of her ears turned bright red. “First of all, you look ravishing. Secondly, I’m magical. So, if you’re now convinced I’m not a serial killer and just want to enjoy your company over some delicious food, please feel free to hop into the back of the vehicle.”

Hannah tilted her head and frowned at me, inspecting me with her amber eyes. I didn’t much feel like telling her that she’d hit the nail right on the head. Whenever I told the women I was seeing about my royal heritage, things tended to escalate far too quickly. They latched on, tried to dig their nails into me in the hopes that they could steer our relationships into something more serious. That way, they’d maybe have the chance of seeing an engagement ring, followed by a grand wedding, followed by all the luxuries royal life could afford. But that wasn’t my style. I wasn’t looking for a commitment. Besides, I didn’t want Hannah to lose her mind. She already seemed a little anxious about the restaurant’s dress code. I could only imagine how she’d react if she discovered that she was in the presence of a prince.

She eventually slipped into the back seat and I followed close behind. The second the door closed behind us, our driver stepped on the acceleration and peeled away from the curb. We drove for roughly twenty minutes, weaving in and out of busy city traffic until we arrived at our first destination.

Hannah raised an eyebrow at me, curious. “Forgive me for being presumptuous, but this doesn’t exactly look like a restaurant.”

“You’re completely right. It’s a helicopter pad.”

“Why are we here?”

“Because we’re taking a helicopter?” I teased.


“Are you afraid of heights, Miss Milch?”

“Um, no. I just…” She shook her head. “This is by far the most extravagant date I’ve ever been on.”

A dry little lump lodged itself in my throat. Something about her comment didn’t sit right with me.

“Is that so?” I asked.

“How are you even able to afford all of this?”

“I’m from a very affluent family.”

“So, you’re rich?”

“We’re well-off.”

Hannah clicked her tongue. “That’s exactly what a rich person would say.”
