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Conor smiled back at her. ‘Will you miss New York?’

‘How could I, when I’ll have you?’

‘Exactly, querida. It’s the same for me.’ He kissed her again, deeply and sweetly, and then he pressed his mouth to her temple. ‘The organisation will take good care of the finca. I think even Felix would be pleased—but I can’t help wondering what he’d say if he knew this was the “new beginning” he spoke of.’

Arden framed Conor’s face in her hands. ‘You know something?’ she said, very softly. I have the definite feeling he does know—and that he approves.’

Conor smiled. ‘My uncle was right, mi amor,’ he whispered. ‘You are, indeed, a very clever gringa.’

And then he put his arm around her, and led her out of the office and into the street, where despite the rush of New York traffic, Arden was certain she could smell the sweet, clean breeze that blew across El Corazon.
