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‘Say again?’

‘When you head out tomorrow, which direction?’

‘South-west.’ She frowned. ‘I don’t see—’

‘Is that entirely necessary? The region isn’t safe at the moment,’ Fitz cut her off, oblivious. ‘There are severe dust storms in that area at the moment, advancing walls of dust and debris that can be miles wide and thousands of feet high.’

‘Yes, thank you.’ She bit her tongue from giving a flippant retort and battled to keep her voice even. ‘This isn’t my first tour of duty, I have come across dust storms before.’

For a moment she thought she saw a flash of concern on Fitz’s face. Then it was gone.

‘Good, then I shouldn’t need to tell you that heading into the local communities right now is a bad idea. There are wide expanses in that direction, the roads are barely roads and the risk of RTAs is much higher.’

Her irritation, her discomfort all dissolved as a wisp of empathy curled its way up from her stomach. She recalled that haunted look in his eyes from the first night, pained and helpless, when he’d told her how his family had died in a crash. His father, drink-driving. A murmur escaped her lips.

‘This is about the crash, isn’t it? You’re worried about a convoy crash?’

There were units driving in and out of the site all the time, especially logistics convoys as they ferried supplies. So, perhaps more accurately, he was worried about her convoy being caught by a rapidly moving wall of dust.

She was absurdly touched, even as his face turned deathly white. Abruptly his eyes burned with fury, searing her to the spot, a snarl twisting the features she’d touched, kissed, tasted.

‘Why would you say that?’ he rasped, his anger bouncing off the walls, making the tiny room throb.

Anyone else might be intimidated. Elle refused to allow herself to be. Instead, she peered at him.

‘You don’t remember telling me about your mum and sister?’

‘I remember,’ he ground out, as if waiting for her to say something else.

She licked her lips, steadying herself.

‘I think you feel somehow responsible. Maybe for not being there. Maybe because they died and you lived. But because you couldn’t control that situation, you’re concerned about my convoy going out tomorrow.’

The silence swelled and the small space felt even more stifled, like a pressurised can left out in the sweltering sun. But she wasn’t about to back down.

‘That’s it?’ His bark of laughter rang out, a hollow and unpleasant sound.

‘Isn’t it enough?’ she asked softly.

And then, oddly, she could have sworn relief flickered in those eyes, swiftly chased by disdain.

‘I suppose it is.’ He shrugged. ‘But, no, telling you about my family was a combination of factors from that night; let me assure you it wasn’t anything special about you. I was merely concerned about your team in Colonel Duggan’s absence. So, if you’ve quite finished psychoanalysing me...’

It was all she could do to stay upright. His words were as cutting as if he’d taken her out by the knee, winding her and humiliating her in one smooth strike. What a fool she was for thinking he’d been worried about her. When was she going to get it through her head that whatever they’d shared that night, in Fitz’s head it was over and done with?

Chapter Ten

HE REGRETTED THE words as soon as they’d left his lips but that did little to reduce their efficacy. His low blow had clearly left her reeling and he hated himself for it.

He was supposed to be protecting Elle from himself by keeping her at arm’s length so that he wouldn’t destroy her. He wasn’t supposed to be destroying her in the process.

‘I’m sorry. That was...uncalled for,’ he told her quietly, sincerely.

She inclined her head stiffly, plainly struggling to compose herself.

‘I appreciate your concern for my convoy, Colonel, but it’s misplaced. Furthermore, I would respectfully remind you that Colonel Duggan and I are running the medical side of this mission and I have administrative and operational command in his absence. I’m satisfied that the risk of dust storms is no greater than usual in this area. If we get caught out, as convoys frequently do around here, we’ll follow protocol and find shelter or at least pull off the road to wait it out.’

So stiff, so formal. He’d really hurt her.
