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Then there was the basement. God, the fucking basement.

How many people had died down there by King’s hands? Sure, they’d been his enemies, but the things he’d done to them. The way he’d made them suffer.

I shook my head, thinking about it. The poor new homeowners. Hope they have a good exorcist.

As for me, it was time to rally and face my biggest fear: being left to fend for myself. To some, it came naturally. But not for me. I’d lived most of my life hiding under a rock, avoiding conflict at all costs. That was before. This is now.

I exited the SUV, grabbed my suitcase from the back, and entered the lobby. I couldn’t see much since it was nighttime, but the property reminded me of those 1950s Hollywood resorts. Palm trees, bungalows, and a private beach club. Inside the lobby, the tile floors were a sparkly gold, and the furniture was salmon with aqua accents. Totally retro.

I walked up to the reception desk. “Hi, I’m Jeni Arnold. There’s supposed to be a key—”

“Ah yes.” The woman, who wore her blonde hair in an immaculate bun, slid a keycard across the counter. “You have the king suite. Would you like help with your luggage, ma’am?”

The king suite. He’s such a narcissist. And why put me up there? Maybe he wanted to compensate me again, this time for leaving me behind. “Um. No. I can manage.”

The woman’s eyes focused on the neck of my shirt. Crap. I really should have changed before coming inside. I was covered in partially dried blood.

“I had a nosebleed earlier,” I said.

“Let us know if you need anything laundered.” She smiled politely. “Also, our kitchen has switched to the late-night menu, but call down here if you want anything special. We will have it prepared and brought up to your room.”

“Thank you.”

“It is our pleasure, Miss Arnold. Oh, and Mr. Minos wanted me to inform you the suite is yours for as many days as you like. No charge, of course. And we will arrange for a car if you need one or for your flight home. His jet is on standby.”

Mr. Minos. King had used his original last name. I guessed it struck me as odd. Weirder yet was that he’d given the staff instructions to take care of me.

See. This was why I hated him. I don’t care about you, Jeni, I mocked his voice in my head. Oh, here, let me take care of you. No. Wait. Go away! But do it in comfort, woman!

“Thank you. I’ll let you know if I need anything.” I smiled tightly and grabbed the handle of my suitcase.

“The suite is straight through those doors, past the pool, and to the right. You can’t miss it,” she said. “It’s the only two-story bungalow on the property.”

Why wasn’t I shocked that King’s “bungalow” was really a two-story beach house?

I nodded my thanks and headed outside toward the pool. The resort was incredible. I wondered if that was why King wanted to give me the VIP treatment. Let her get a taste of what I’m offering. His kingdom wasn’t all nasty heads in jars and evil trinkets.

I followed the walkway until it ended. To the right was a two-story structure with a wraparound balcony overlooking a cliff and the ocean. That had to be it.

I walked up to the heavy wooden door where a plaque read, “The King Suite.”

This guy… I shook my head, pushed the keycard into the slot, and froze. Someone’s watching. Their thoughts circled the air around me like a pack of hungry wolves out for the kill.

My heart jumped, and I swiveled on my heel, scanning the manicured tropical landscaping. Beyond the dramatically lit palm trees and walkways, I saw nothing. I heard nothing. It was just me, the night, and the waves crashing down on the beach somewhere below the bungalow.

“Hello? Is anyone there?” I said along with every woman about to die in every horror film created. But I wasn’t some helpless creature, now was I? Even King believed I didn’t need him to defend myself.

Maybe he was right. See who’s there. See the threat, I told myself and closed my eyes. I visualized making my mind into an enormous bubble and pushed it into the space around me.

How the hell did I know how to do this? No one had taught me, but it felt like second nature.

After a few moments, I came up empty. Maybe because my stomach was gurgling, and I knew starving myself wasn’t good. Not for the baby. Not for me.

I slipped inside the bungalow and locked the door. The air around me felt clean and light. The energy immediately cocooned me in a veil, making me feel safe.

Bastard. I hated his games. This was why he’d put me up here. The place was warded. No one could come inside and hurt me. I could rest. I could think about my next moves. I might even be able to practice my gifts without someone attacking. Why, King? Why not tell me?

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