Page 129 of Sin City Baby

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“We should play a game,” she said. “Just like the old days. Remember?”

“What game you wanna play?” I asked, wading out deeper into the pool, until the water was almost chin height on me.

“How about Truth or Dare?” she said, looking around at us all wide-eyed. “It's been way too long since we've done something like that.”

Evan and I shared a look. We'd played Truth or Dare a few times when we'd all been younger, sure. It had always been fun. We'd also been pretty limited about what kind of dares we could throw out there. Gabe had been her boyfriend at that time, and there was no way anyone else was going to get to see her naked or touch her boobs.

Now, though, that she was free and single? It had possibilities. Certainly, a lot more possibilities than we had back then.

“I think that's a great idea,” I said. “You go first.”

Nobody else objected, so Hadley looked at me, then turned to Evan and then Gabe. She was taking her time, taking her question very seriously. I expected her to ask Gabe a question first, but she turned back to me with a smile, as she floated in the water toward me.

“Jared, truth or dare?” she asked.

As tempted as it was to start off with a dare, I decided to go easy on everyone. Myself, most of all, probably – although, depending upon the question, the truth could hurt quite a bit too.


She seemed to have a question all loaded and ready for me.

“How many of my former cheer girls have you slept with?”

Evan chuckled, and I shot him a look.

“Just the three that were at the bar the other night,” I said. “I swear to it.”

Hadley swam out to me, stopping just a few inches away. She licked her lips and stared deep into my eyes. The stirring in my groin couldn't be denied and I had to shift my body a little bit, to keep her from bumping into it.

“And here, I was really hoping you'd say dare,” she said. “Color me surprised.”

I was surprised by the boldness in her answer. Maybe I hadn’t lost my chance yet after all. “Gotta have something to look forward to,” I said. “Guess it's my turn.”

Hadley grinned at me, and I was tempted to ask her a question. But, I turned my sights on Gabe instead. I felt like raking him over the coals a bit first. Get him to shit or get off the pot, so to speak.

“Gabe, truth or dare.” I said, already knowing Gabe wouldn't pick dare.

“I'm not playing,” he said.

Hadley turned away from me and swam back toward him. I closed in on the rest of the gang, mainly to stay close to Hadley. She stared at Gabe and frowned at him.

“Yes, you are,” she said. “Stop being a party pooper.”

Gabe rolled his eyes and sighed. “Fine,” he said, making it obvious he wasn't happy about it. “Truth.”

“Do you still love Hadley?”

Hadley turned to me, her mouth open, her eyes wide, a stricken look upon her face. She was staring at me in shock, and for a moment, I thought she might be pissed at me. Then, she turned her attention back to Gabe, her expression shifting to one of curiosity, as we all waited for his answer.

Gabe looked away from all of us, focusing on a tree outside the yard as if it was the most interesting tree in the world. No one dared say a word, despite the silence dragging on and on.

Finally, still looking away, he said, “Of course I do.”

Dammit. Part of me had hoped he would choke on his words and not admit his undying love for her. I placed my bets on him not being able to man up, and I failed.

“I think we should take this to the hot tub,” I said, quickly trying to change the subject.

Hadley didn't stop staring at Gabe though, and they shared a look that you only saw shared between lovers. Feeling like an idiot for having my plan blow up in my face on me, I moved past them and climbed out the pool, Evan following on my heels quickly. I wasn't sure if Gabe and Hadley would join us, but Hadley did, then Gabe reluctantly followed her.
