Page 130 of Sin City Baby

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The night air was crisp, and the walk from the pool to the hot tub was a brisk one. But, as soon as we got settled into the warm, jetted tub, all was right in the world again. Gabe and Hadley sat beside each other, while Evan and I sat across from them, looking like a couple of awkward third wheels. Yeah, it definitely was turning out just like old times.

“It's Gabe's turn,” Hadley said.

Gabe looked deep into Hadley's eyes, and I figured we all knew what was coming next. He was going to ask her if she still loved him, and they'd have their happily ever after reunion. We'd have to sit there and endure their goddamn Hallmark fucking moment.

Except, he didn't – and what he did ask surprised me.

“Hadley, do you want to have more children someday?”

“That's not how it works,” Evan said. “You didn't ask her truth or dare.”

Hadley ignored Evan and went straight for the answer anyway.

“Yes, very much so. I want Grayson to have brothers and sisters, I want a family like you guys have,” she said, looking at all of us as her eyes shimmered with tears. “I want that more than anything, actually. More than I can even explain to you guys. But, I fear I may not have a chance if I don't meet someone soon.”

“You have plenty of time,” Evan said. “You're not even in your late twenties yet. Women are having kids well into their – ”

She looked at him and Evan bit off his words. “But I always wanted my kids to be close in age,” she said. “Like you guys, and he's already four, so it sort of feels like I'm already screwed out of the life I wanted for us.”

“Not at all,” Gabe said, reaching out and stroking her face. “You're not screwed out of anything, Hadley.”

She nodded and let out a long breath that seemed so filled with emotion. “You're right,” she said softly. “I mean, I've looked into surrogate options. I don't need a father to be present for that. I think I handle the single mom thing pretty well. I make enough to support them, it's just – ”

“What?” I asked.

Her crystal blue eyes turned to me, and there was so much pain and emptiness in that gaze, I felt a literal heaviness in my chest. It was like, in that moment, I felt every ounce of pain she'd been carrying around with her since Chris died – and a lot of her hopes and dreams died with him. I so badly wanted to take away all that pain from her life, to bring her nothing but joy and fulfillment. Happiness like she'd never known before.

“Nothing,” she said, wiping away the tears in her eyes. “My turn again. Ev

an, you haven't had a turn yet – ”

“No,” Gabe said, cutting her off. “We're not done here. What were you going to say, Hadley?”

She turned her sad eyes to him and said, “I just always wanted to at least know the father, to know he's a good man, even if he's not involved with parenting, that's all,” she said. “But it's not going to happen and – ”

“Who says it can't happen?” I said.

Everyone turned their attention to me, as if waiting for me to continue that train of thought. So I did.

“I'm just saying – you have us,” I said. “All of us care for you very much. I'm sure something could be arranged to give you what you want. Even if it's simply a sperm donor kind of deal.”

Hadley sat back, looking stunned, and then shook her head. “I couldn't ask any of you – ”

Evan stopped her. “We'd gladly help you out, Hadley,” he offered. “You wouldn't even have to ask. I'm sure any one of us would be honored.”

Gabe leaned back against the hot tub wall and stared at me for a long time. There was that dark, brooding look on his face again. His face was tight, his jaw clenched, and he was clearly not happy. Not that I was going to let that deter me.

“You could even take your pick of the Walker men,” I said. “I'm sure old Gabe would even be willing to help you out. Wouldn't you?”

Gabe didn't answer. He just stared at me, his eyes narrowing and his jaw clenching so tight, I thought he might actually shatter his teeth. Then Hadley turned and looked at him, and his face softened almost instantly. When he looked at her, there was such a sudden and complete change in his eyes – it as if just looking at her made everything right and okay in his world again.

“Would you?” she asked, her voice soft.

He reached out and stroked her cheek, pushing back a strand of hair from her face.

“I would do anything for you,” he said. “But I'll be honest, the idea does make me nervous too. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a few reservations about it.”

Hadley nodded, and her face fell.
