Page 131 of Sin City Baby

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“I get it. That's why I wasn't even going to ask,” she said.

I cleared my throat, “Well, you haven't even asked the other two Walkers here.”

Her cheeks flushed again, and she looked away. A smile spread across her face though, as if the more she thought about it, the more she liked the idea.

“Now that has possibilities,” she said. “But the question is – which brother?”

She seemed to be teasing us, so I teased right back. “What about all of us?”

“All of you?” she cocked an eyebrow and leaned back against the hot tub wall, her breasts pointing skyward. “I like the sound of that.”

“I'm down,” I said.

“Me too,” Evan added. “I mean, let's face it, I could use the distraction from Rebecca.”

Hadley giggled and looked at Gabe. “Would you be okay with that?”

Gabe looked like a deer caught in the headlights. His eyes were wide, and it was clear he wanted to say yes, that he would do anything for her. But, something was holding him back, making him hesitate.

“I umm, well – ” he stammered. It was rare that Gabe ever stumbled on his words, and frankly, I was kind of enjoying the show. “If that's what you wanted, then sure. I'd be okay with that. I mean, we are speaking in hypotheticals, right?”

“Sure, whatever you say, Gabe” I said.

Evan looked over to me, the expression his face saying he didn't know if this was a hypothetical conversation or not but making it clear that he was on board with it if it wasn't.

“That settles it then,” I said, lifting my beer up for a toast. “We're going to give Hadley a baby.”

“Cheers to that,” Evan said, joining me in the toast.

Gabe still looked uncertain, but he finally shrugged and raised his own bottle, clinking it against ours.

“Alright,” he said. “Let's do it.”

“You guys – ” Hadley said, chuckling, “You're the best friends a girl could ask for.”

“Damn straight we are, baby,” I said.

“Wait,” she said, her eyes suddenly wide and fearful. “Are we seriously going to be doing this?”

“If you want to, then it sounds like we're in,” I said. “The question is – do you want to?”

Hadley bit her lip and thought about it for a second, then nodded slowly. “I've actually been thinking about this for a while,” she said softly. “I just didn't think it would be appropriate to ask, you know?”

“Now you have your answer,” I said. “So let's start the baby making.”



As the night wore on, I couldn't stop thinking about their offer. Grayson could have a sibling, and my baby would have three of the best men there were who would dote on him and care about him more than anything.

What more could a child want in life?

I was lucky enough to own my own business and worked mostly from home anyway, so I would always be around. I wouldn't need to pass them off to daycare or anything like that. My family had money. Any child of mine would never want for anything, and I had the time to devote to them.

There was no doubt in my mind that I wanted to do this. Sure, I could go the medical route – the guys could donate their sperm, let the doctors insert it into me, and hope for the best. I didn't want to deal with all that. Not with them. These were my best friends, men that I loved. Had always loved. I wanted to experience making a baby with them – with all of them.

It was a surprising revelation to me, one I wasn't prepared for it when Jared first mentioned it, the more I thought about it, the more I knew it to be true.
