Page 31 of Sin City Baby

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I missed her, too.

We had to get her back.

“We keep calling,” I said. “Keep sending her messages to let her know we care about her. That’s all we can do.”

And it sucked that we had no other options. Because if it turned out that I was the one married to Sam, I honestly wasn’t sure I’d want to divorce her.



I groomed my goatee in the mirror, trying to get my mind off all the shit going on around me. Sam gone. Lauren being pissed off as fuck. Liam finally getting those damn divorce papers confirmed and ready to be sent out. We had all decided that it was best not to know which one of us had married her so that we wouldn’t be tempted to try and talk her out of the divorce. We knew if Liam was the only one who knew, he’d take that secret to his grave.

Fuck. If her parents saw those papers in the mail, they would go ballistic. And that was the reason why I wanted to go see Sam. I wanted to shield her from the hell her parents would rain down on her.

But I knew they were weird about us.

Even though we’d grown up in similar households with similar incomes, her parents were always under the assumption that we’d ruin the

ir little girl. Lauren and Sam had to fight for their friendship during their teenage years, and most of the time Lauren was going over there. Very rarely was Sam allowed to come to our house.

I chuckled in the mirror as I rinsed my razor off.

If they only knew what had happened between us and how much she had enjoyed it. How their little girl they’d tried to control so much over the course of her life fit me perfectly. She fit all of us, really, and it didn’t weird me out as much as I thought it would, sharing her with my brothers. It wasn’t an ideal situation, but if it was the only way that I got to be with her, then so be it.

I let my mind wander back to that hotel room in Vegas. I leaned against the sink as my skin crawled with delight.

My cock throbbed at the memory of our weekend together.

What had happened was hot, and a long fucking time coming. Sam had no reason to feel embarrassed or ashamed of what happened, but I knew she did. Deep down, Sam was independent and stubborn almost to a fault, but there was still a little good girl in there somewhere. No one gets raised by the kind of parents she had without having some sort of issues with letting go.

All I wanted to do was talk to her. To tell her how special I thought she was, how special we all thought she was. I wanted her to know how much we all wanted her and how we all wanted her to be happy. I splashed some water on my face to wash the rest of the shaving soap away. I’d never been serious about girls. One or two girlfriends here and there, but nothing that lasted more than a few months. But this? Sam? This was different. I couldn't deny my feelings for her any longer. She was hot as fuck in Vegas, but now that I’d been with her, there was no going back for me.

I set out to grab a cup of coffee and meet with one of my brothers.


I clapped my brother on the back before we sat down at our usual coffee joint.

“The fuck gives?” he asked.

“I’m glad you could meet me. How are the projects going today?”

“Same as always. Had to get rid of one of the guys on the site we have at the north end of town.”

“What happened?” I asked.

“Came in drunk for the second time in a row. Almost got himself fucking killed.”

“I’m sure Liam will figure it out.”

“He better. That project comes due in a fucking month,” he said. “So why did you want to meet?”

“Have you talked to Lauren at all lately?” I asked.

“No I haven’t.”

“Still focused on Sam?”
